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My first coues sheds

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My first Coues sheds that I found early this year. Small and older, but love the potential of this buck with that cheater off his right brow tine. Happened to be sideXside too



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Never came across a matching set of any species so that's pretty cool.  I was so stoked when I found my first shed.

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1 hour ago, CatfishKev said:

Never came across a matching set of any species so that's pretty cool.  I was so stoked when I found my first shed.

It sure is a great feeling. I hope you get a match someday. I have been fortunate enough to find a set for 3 species so far, these Coues, Muley and pronghorn

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Very cool find. I've only ever found one marched set. Mule deer 4x4 just NW of Roosevelt about 35 years ago.

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1 hour ago, AZ Free Man said:

Pronghorn, that's very interesting... I thought they had horns and didn't shed?

Pronghorn is the only horned species I know of that does shed. They shed every year like deer, elk and so on. The horn sheaths are hard to find because they are thin and the weather and critters get to them generally before they are found. 


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4 hours ago, Steve90 said:

Pronghorn is the only horned species I know of that does shed. They shed every year like deer, elk and so on. The horn sheaths are hard to find because they are thin and the weather and critters get to them generally before they are found. 


That's crazy, I had know no idea.

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1 hour ago, AZ Free Man said:

That's crazy, I had know no idea.

Seems like they shed between November and December. I was out a few weeks back checking growth and found one with a short fat rack, hoping he gets some length.

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4 hours ago, Steve90 said:

Pronghorn is the only horned species I know of that does shed. They shed every year like deer, elk and so on. The horn sheaths are hard to find because they are thin and the weather and critters get to them generally before they are found. 


That's crazy, I had know no idea.

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22 hours ago, Steve90 said:

It sure is a great feeling. I hope you get a match someday. I have been fortunate enough to find a set for 3 species so far, these Coues, Muley and pronghorn

Technically got one matching set, but they were not together. Found the second one about 100 or so yards away (elk). 

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