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Anyone know if ABA is still around?

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Does anyone know if the Arizona Bowhunters Association is still around or even an entity?  They have not had their annual bowhunter happening the last two summers and I wanted to know if it was going to happen this year.  I know they partnered with another group and had a banquet last year but then nothing after that.  Website looks to be taken offline, and Facebook has not been updated in almost a year. 


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They take my automatic membership payment every year... I attended the joint ABA/BIA banquet last year and they gave out awards. I heard the Bowhunter Happening wasn't happening because the new management company at Mormon Lake made it crazy expensive. They forced other annual events to stop or relocate. That's all I know... Ed F

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" I heard the Bowhunter Happening wasn't happening because the new management company at Mormon Lake made it crazy expensive."

Heard the same. There was a thread or two on them.

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2 hours ago, BOWUNTR said:

They take my automatic membership payment every year... I attended the joint ABA/BIA banquet last year and they gave out awards. I heard the Bowhunter Happening wasn't happening because the new management company at Mormon Lake made it crazy expensive. They forced other annual events to stop or relocate. That's all I know... Ed F

Mormon lake blows now, it’s a shame

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2 hours ago, BOWUNTR said:

They take my automatic membership payment every year... I attended the joint ABA/BIA banquet last year and they gave out awards. I heard the Bowhunter Happening wasn't happening because the new management company at Mormon Lake made it crazy expensive. They forced other annual events to stop or relocate. That's all I know... Ed F

Screw that place. Cancelled my reservation last year for my wife and daughters elk hunt leaving me scrambling. New management didnt care. I wont go back.

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I’m a life member, and haven’t heard diddly for the last two years… 

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