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Quality hunt posts...

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I was admiring Scottyboy's recent post on his last African adventure recently.

I greatly enjoyed his writing on the hunt, but mostly his play by play picture story.


I'm guilty as charged of not always "stopping to smell the roses" and take a picture.

I seem to get caught up in the hunt and later regret not taking more photographs.


I know how much effort it takes to constantly record the experience and appreciate it

immensely when a few like Scott take the time.


Between the picture taking and the storytelling, I feel like I'm actually there. Phil Cramer is fantastic

at that and actually kicks it up a notch with game cam pics and video! Talk about dedication to the forum!


I have indeed stopped on occasion and snapped a pic or two all the while thinking of the forum.

I just wanted to thank those that consistently take such great pics, write awesome stories, and share them

with us all.


The quality of hunt stories on this board has improved tremendously over the years.


Keep up the admirable work guys!


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+1 for Scotty and Phil. Even before Scotty was back from Africa I was anticipating the photos. They of course were spectacular and I felt as if I was along for the journey. Also, Phil mentioned when I voted his photo essay the best in my opinion, he said, "he thinks about taking pics and recapping a hunt prior to his return"...


It's patience to the Nth degree and not always easy to do on a hunt of lifetime, long 30 mile trek or creeping up on a sleeping gila monster. Another factor with these attributes are the willingness and ability to SHARE a story rather than internally covet the experience. To do it well is ART.



Great job guys, the pictures are for sure a great addition to any story.




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Thanks Chef! I really do appreciate the kind words!


I try and keep a journal of most all the hunts I do so I can have it to go back on and relive the hunt anytime I want to.

When I type up a hunt report for you guys, I usually just pull out the diary and hit the high notes of the trip.


As for the pics, I just fire away with as many as I can get away with, and some of time I get lucky with a good photo or two..


Next month, I'll be firing away with the camera as I call in a big TX Rio tom for ya!!

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Yes, and another one that I really miss his post is Scott Adams, he also made the reader feel like if he was hunting along with him......you can even almost smell the pines wile reading his post.

Another one is Danny Howard (coueselk) I hope where ever they are they are ok.


Ernesto C

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Thanks for the kind words Chef and AZP&Y. I agree with Ernesto on Scott's posts, he is the main reason that I started trying to take the time to capture the hunt because I enjoyed his posts so much.



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Dang Dudes,


Talk about a blast from the past! Seems like I remember a prolific poster from several years ago who spoke of the importance of quality, deeeeeeeeeep posts. This experienced and successful trophy hunter actually spent a great deal of time contributing here.........yet struggling to get something in return. This poster spoke very directly many times about the importance of 'give-n-take' when it comes to the survivability of internet discussion forums..........



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Yep, Scott Adams' posts were the ones that I just couldn't wait for, he really set the bar here for how a great story should be written up with supporting photos and even added arrows and markers to photos which really put the reader on the hill with him! This site is the best because of all the folks mentioned and all the others who aren't that take the time to share their hunts or experiences with the rest of us!


BTW.....MuleyMan, I remember all that from way back when. I would like to say that whatever we are doing here, it's working! This site has continued to do nothing but grow at a fast pace and has one of the best reputations out of all the popular forums that I know of! It's the attitude of our members, the quality of their character and their unselfish willingness to share knowledge or experiences...without expecting anything in return, and help others that makes this site what it is! Amanda is the driving force and the creator, but the contributions of the membership is what has helped make this site what it is today!


Thanks to everyone that has taken the time out to share in detail their experiences, tips and knowledge with the rest of us! JIM>

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Holy Smoke guys, I didn't know you liked that stuff so well. I also enjoy Scottyboys posts and some of the others. I haven't gotten back into it like I was a few years ago, you know different priorities and all that. Amanda does her best to keep me redirected toward the Coues hills. But I appreciate the thoughtful words and who knows maybe I'll get back into doing some of those types of posts again.

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Yea Bryan as a matter of fact it is and it does. That's Helll's Hole Peak on the right and the big bluffs toward the center is the Palace. That's looking south/southeast from the front of the house. You need to come down for a visit and a hunt. We have plenty of room and plenty of game.

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Scott took a break from hunting and posting while building his house, but you can see it was well worth it with views like that!! It's stunning to wake up at his place and look out that giant array of windows on the back of the house. What a priviledge to live in Coues country like that! Great pics Scott!!


Thanks to everyone that takes the time to show and describe their hunts. It's a great treat to "go along" with you all to Africa, Mexico, or other Arizona hunts. I know from experience that it takes a fair amount of time to not only write up the hunt and upload the photos, but to make sure that during your hunt you take pictures that help the reader along in the story. So I really appreciate those that take that extra time and effort. We certainly have some excellent photographers and writers on this site! Thank you!



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