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Cool Javelina hunt

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My wife and I headed out Thursday after work and got camp set up.  When we were getting firewood I noticed a rather large camp a mile away.  The camp had several tents and I saw a whole bunch of young kids and adults.  Never seen a big camp like that during a javelina hunt.

Opening morning, I started glassing at first light for bucks, saw some decent young ones. Folks from the large camp were set up at glassing spots all around us. Each truck had 2-3 kids in it, good to see.  About 8:45 I finally caught some pig movement and my wife and I packed up and started to move in.  We ran into a grandpa, son and grandson doing the same thing.  I asked if they were going on a walk or putting on a stalk.  They said they were going to make a stalk on the herd. Since they had a first time hunter, a 10 year old, my wife and I told them to go after them, good luck and said we’ll be watching the stalk from the glassing spot. They invited us to go on the stalk but I wanted it to be a moment among the 3 of them.    We went back to the glassing spot and while watching them make a stalk, my wife spotted another herd bout 1000 yards away right above the hunters. It was cool seeing the hunters and slightly above their head in the distance was the second herd.

After checking out the landscape and figuring out where the second herd was, we made our move.   We came up above the herd and they were just bout ready to head down to bed.  Our shots were much longer than usual, a whopping 230 yards. My wife shot first and that muzzle break rattled me a bit and her pig went down. I  had to take a few shots to get mine down.  When I approached my pig, she was still alive.  I used my wife’s pistol to finish it off, At 2 yards I shot and the round was a dud, had no powder (no more speed reloading for me). I saw the bullet fly maybe 100 FPS and bounce off the pig. The pig opened its eyes and charged me a little and took off.  I caught up to the pig bout 50 yards down and finished her off. It was a great morning, we ran into the grandpa later on and they were unable to harvest a pig.   

Wife and I camped another night and on Saturday morning, we saw the same groups of people making a few stalks and heard a gunshot when we were packing up camp,  hope that kid got his first big game. 

First time my wife and I doubled up on anything, the packout wasn’t all that great carrying both pigs.  



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Thanks for the story!!

Reminiscent of the old days when we had less yard sales and more hunting.  

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Congrats on another fun Javelina hunt! Your stories are always enjoyable - thanks for posting.

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