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Give it to me! I need to build a backdrop in our backyard. If anyone knows of someone ripping out carpet in the east valley/Phoenix area, please let me know. Kids are struggling at hitting the target and I can't afford more arrows! 


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Depending how much you care about the carpet condition apartment complexes constantly flip units and rip up carpet. Might be worth a call or two, I doubt they'd care about someone taking scrap. 

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19 hours ago, gjones5252 said:

Give it to me! I need to build a backdrop in our backyard. If anyone knows of someone ripping out carpet in the east valley/Phoenix area, please let me know. Kids are struggling at hitting the target and I can't afford more arrows! 


If you want to meet me at sportsman's in Glendale Saturday morning sometime. I will give you a rubber mat. Used for horse trailer or slip mat . I have a couple used ones . I can spare one for you and the kiddos. 

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Call a carpet install company near you and pick up a roll of tear out or scraps.

Less to dispose of for them

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20 minutes ago, andyyy said:

Call a carpet install company near you and pick up a roll of tear out or scraps.

Less to dispose of for them

Yes I might try that! 
I have one person who is tossing a bunch out just coordinating the meet still. 
if that doesn’t pan out I’ll start calling around 

thank you everyone! 

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Thank you to everyone who helped with info and even giving carpet. Especially @BC8702 who supplied all this! 
sorry @Whatstheword I missed the notification. if you still have someone anyone else does. I could use some more. 
this was huge bunch of carpet that we cut up into small pieces and was about 1ft from the top of those poles when we started compressing it. 
Most importantly it stops my kids, wife’s and my bows perfectly! 
if any one else has some feel free to let me know! 


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Are you still looking for carpet?  I have a carpet kit out of my 5ty wheel that I’m done storing. Josh


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16 minutes ago, jdown said:

Are you still looking for carpet?  I have a carpet kit out of my 5ty wheel that I’m done storing. Josh


I’ll send you a message. 

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