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Swarovski doublers

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I was wondering if anyone has tried using two doubler on their binos? A doubler on each eyepiece. Is this even possible? I have one and was wondering if it would be worth it to buy another.

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I've not tried it but I asked a similar question before. I believe the consensus is that putting two doulers or triplers on a set of binos is not the best idea.




Even if it worked, meaning you could see through both eye pieces AND get a clear picture AND gazing through them did not make you sick, I also believe the consensus is that trying to glass that way is not advisable.




But if you decide to give it a go, let us all know how it works. Good luck.




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Don't waste your money on the Swaro doublers as I have not heard anyone say anything good about them when I did some research. Stopped me from buying them. You can always find them for sale because the owner wants to unload them.

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I have a friend who bought both to do just that. I think he told me it wasn't all that great for some reason. I will ask him again and get back with you. :)



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