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I forgot to add the hunt dates. Will do so this afternoon. 



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Congratulations. Yes lottery results are trickling in, will likely take until the end of the week or so to be finished with all rounds of possible drawings but I've already had ppl purchase their coues tags and some who say they don't have the option to purchase. 

For fall bear there should be a phone call from the department to determine if you want 1st or 2nd fall hunt.

I believe you must purchase your $5 habitat stamp and $15 tag fee first before being able to purchase the hunt you were selected for.

Again if anyone has issues reach out to me and I can help in any way I can.

Also attached is the upcoming hunt dates.




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I got lucky and drew November C coues deer. Just paid now figuring a way to tell my wife😮

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Well guess I counted my chickens before they hatched. Thought the email was the ticket but apparently the system was glitched and unable to claim online threw the link provided.

Called 4-6 times a day threwout the week just to get told call back after 3pm when the commissioner is present, just to say try the link again..

The link provided in the email Never once gave me an option to pay and now It says I missed the deadline to claim.


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