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30 CAL. Hammer Hunters for sale.

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I have 81 180 gr. 30 cal. Hammer hunters $65 ftf

57 151 GR Absolute hammers. $45

These absolute hammers can be loaded with a faster burning powder and they work as advertised, or you can use load data for a 150 gr. all copper bullet such a barnes or Hammer bullets has a lot of load data on his web site to get you started. 

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Did you happen to take any animals with these? I’ve been looking at buying some for my 7mm mag. But been wanting to hear performance on animals. 

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13 hours ago, baloo27 said:

Did you happen to take any animals with these? I’ve been looking at buying some for my 7mm mag. But been wanting to hear performance on animals. 

I harvested a mule deer in Colorado, the front breaks off into four large pieces, these penetrated to the just under the hide on the opposite side of the deer holding about a 5/6 inch pattern. The rear half or about 2/3 thirds punches all the way though. 

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