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I have been speaking to a few CW members and this post addresses our concern. Now more than ever the wildlife/conservation groups need sportspeoples help. There are major battles ongoing and there appears to be just a handfull of people who get out and do something for wildlife. Please, please get involved with Arizona Deer Association or another group. I bet Amanda can take applications right here or go to www.azdeer.org or call 602-395-DEER and join today. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO MAINTAIN/ENHANCE OUR RESOURCE.


In addition anyone who wants to volunteer to be on the board of directors, leave a message on the Deer number or email me. All the people on the board are volunteers and spend alot of time supporting wildlife. Some of these people need a break so jump up to the plate..........thanks.......Allen Taylor......

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Can new members be on the Board? What kind of travelling, time commitment, etc., is involved? Maybe if you gave us an idea of what is expected, some folks might volunteer :lol:



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Yes, new members can be on the board. We meet in Phx. on th 3rd Wed of each month in the evening. Meetings tend to run a few hours.


Your time committment beyond that depends on what you are interested in helping with. There are several habitat projects each year, there is the annual fundraising banquet which takes tons of time to organize, there are youth hunt camps, there are political meetings to attend, you can even help with deer surveys with AGFD, etc.


If you can't commit to being a board member, you can volunteer for whatever project interests you (like the youth camps, etc).


Allen brought up an excellent topic. And I hope we get some new active members of the ADA. Go to azdeer.org for info on projects and membership.



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Thanks very much for bringing this up! It is SO critical that as many hunters as possible try to get involved in these types of organizations! The ranch clean-up this weekend is a great example. It should be a great event!


Muskrat, your question almost made me laugh out loud!!! Can new members join the board? Are you kidding me, many organizations can't get enough people interested enough in even trying to get involved with the board! :P


Here is a VERY sad case in point: As a 'non-active' member of the ADA, I recieved a letter last spring that announced when the annual OPEN board meeting would be held, and it's location. It was on a Saturday early last May, and I thought I would attend to see what was going on. Well, the meeting turned-out to be the ADA board (not even the entire board...), and ME. There were ZERO ADA members that took the time to go to the meeting, even though everyone one of them got a flyer inviting them to attend. That kind of apathy is pathetic, and inspired me to become more involved. :lol:


Fast forward to today, and I am now the Youth Chairman for the ADA. As far as the time commitment involved, it all depends on how much a person wants to do. I attend an evening meeting once or twice per month, and am active in helping out with misc. stuff probably 6 weekends per year. That's just ME though. Everyone can choose their own level of participation.


The point is PLEASE, everyone become involved. As with any volunteer opportunity, you will be paid back in good karma and by meeting great people.






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PS Muskrat.... I just noticed your job title on your signature.


Freelance writer? How about you join us for one (or more...) of the projects or events, and then write a story-up for our publication? That would be a great way to get involved in the organization, and help-out where your skills would be truly appreciated. Either that, or just write-up an independent hunting article for our quarterly ADA publication (THE DEER TIMES). We can always use good material for the publication!


Just a though....





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Thanks Allen, Amanda & Stan

As they have all said the ADA needs Arizona's Sportsmen and Women to step up and help shoulder the load that (VERY) few of us have been carrying for a while. Which is to help Arizona's Deer herds and their habitat, both Mule and Coues. There are all kinds of ways a person can help. One is to become a member, but more importantly become involved and active. There is a habitat projects committee, that I've been involved with for some time, where you get to decide the who, what, where and the why of habitat, water projects etc., if it's a good project or a crap one and whether or not to fund it. As Amanda said you could help with the Banquet in : 1. Organizing 2. Helping get donations 3. Set up and breakdown the day of banquet. 4. Ticket sales etc., etc.

As many of you know there are all kinds of Political battles we are fighting with the USO Crap, Ranching for Wildlife, PREDATORS etc., etc. Commission meetings to attend and other G & F meetings on a variety of topics.

There is the Newsletter, the website that I'm sure Amanda wouldn't mind some help with, Public Relations, Ad Sales for the newsletter, etc.

The youth committee that Stan heads up does a fantastic job and he could always use help. The ADA has a trailer that goes to every youth hunt and the guys and gals set up the trailer and awnings and cooking stuff. They cook for the kids, feed em hot dogs and hamburgers, hot chocolate, coffee etc. The guys at the youth camp in addition to cooking will help the kids scout, glass, help em skin their deer etc. or just point them in a good direction.

I could go on, the point is that we need help and we need a bigger voice and we need people to quit being consumers of wildlife and for them to give back to try and help. I can assure you, you can and will make a difference.

Arizona's deer herds are getting smaller not larger and we need all the help we can get to improve that trend. Thanks Very Much ! Thanks again Allen for starting this thread. Kevin

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OK, OK ..... :lol:


Stan - Some organizations that I have known or belonged to require a certain length of membership before they can be considered by the nominating committee, so I don't think my question was THAT outrageous! :P


Yes, I enjoy writing and also have a knack for editing. Coincidentally, Allen suggested I offer my services to Amanda, ADA, et al - in a phone conversation not too long ago.


I would be happy to help the ADA either by writing or editing material - in any way that I can - member or not...


Amanda, Allen - I write a column in the Johnson Ranch paper every month. In March, I'll talk about the ADA....

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Good point on the misc. help for the banquet & other activies Kevin!


Muskrat, it sounds like you've already got the wheels in motion.... Thanks for jumping-in. Soon we'll be planning our youth activities for this summer and fall. I'll be sure to post the schedule of events, and if you could attend any of them and write-up a story for our newsletter, that would be great! We're going to plan some good stuff for the kids this year! ;-)



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Marshall will be a great addition to ADA. Marshall, as a side note you will meet some people involved in things that can help you. I really want you to meet Chris Denham and work with him for the Western Optics Hunter magazine. You also can help with the ADA newsletter, announcements, and many other necessary projects......thanks for jumping in. WETMULE really deserves our thanks everyone. Kevin has put in time for years and years and has never drawn his coveted strip tag but yet has been a volunteer for over 29 years. This isnt any butt kissing but rather a heart felt thank you for the behind the scenes stuff he has done to provide me with a hunting opportunity. Stanlely has taken up the youth and is performing admirably. PLEASE PLEASE get your friends, family etc....involved in wildlife before its TOO LATE..............Allen.....

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Allen - I've been talking with Chris off and on, all this week.


As a side note to anyone interested - my hesitation with many of these projects/adventures, etc., is not that I'm timid when it comes to work, rather my wife has some pretty serious health issues that keep me relatively close to home.


Not looking for sympathy, just trying to explain that I rarely am able to jump into anything with both feet :lol:

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Thanks Muskrat (Marshall) for getting involved. Also thanks Allen for all you have done, also thanks AT for the kind words although not necessary, it has been fun and I've met some great people and made some great friends along the way and I think we've made some great inroads. It's only been about six years for me although it seems like 29 at times, just kiddin, I ain't that old. Very dissapointing........ seing the response (so far) to your initial post for help. There are alot of intelligent well spoken, outspoken and concerned sportsmen that are CW members that post on here on a variety of subjects, sad that more of them don't put their money where their mouths are to help this states wildlife.

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I agree with you Kevin, there are some great people here on CW that can help out and volunteer.....come on people, lets give back a bit.......thanks to everyone who is making a difference........Allen........

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