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Varmint Silhouette Match

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For those who are interested in precision rifle shooting, the varmint silhouette match at the Sierra Vista Rod & Gun range has been reactivated, and is scheduled every 4th Sunday on range #6.  (The February match will be the 3rd Sunday, since The Tactical Games will be held the 22nd and 23rd)  The fee is $10 and the targets consist of two rows of 10 each from 200 to 420 yards.   The targets are resettable via long cables, and this is handled by the match director and assistant. 

There is a covered shooting area, concrete benches, restrooms, and plenty of parking.   Safety briefing and random drawing for firing position starts at about 0830.  You can shoot from bench or prone, bipod or rest.  If you need someone to spot and score for you, one of the other shooters will give you a hand.

This match is informal, and new shooters are welcome.  You can pretty much have as many sighters as you need, though the course of fire for record is timed at 10 minutes (10 targets), with a 2 minute prep. time.  The only restrictions are no magnum calibers and no bullet weights over 125 gr.  Generally there is time before and after the match to check zero, etc.  When the match is over, you can do more shooting on the public range if you would like to do so.

The SVR&GC range is located on the south side of Hwy. 90 between mileposts 334 and 335.   This is not long range shooting, but the targets are small and the wind can be a challenge.  This match does not have any set up or take down to speak of, and is a good time to really check performance on deer and varmint caliber rifles.

Perfect scores are few and far between, but you might be surprised at how many you knock down.  Come on out and give it a go! 

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10 hours ago, 10Turkeys said:

Is the 125 grain bullet weight restriction correct?

Well . . . it is loosely correct.  It was the old requirement, when the match was run by a different MD.  I am not sure the new guys pay much attention to it.  With less than full power handloads, heavier bullets would probably not damage the steel targets.  The problem with heavy bullets is they impact with so much energy that sometimes both targets fall, since they are in sets of two.  Then you have to stop shooting (I guess you could claim an alibi for lost time) while both targets are reset, then shoot your remaining target.  Seems to happen every match to one of us.  Calibers are mostly .22 CF, though there is an occasional .308s, 6.5x55, etc.


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Sounds like a fun time thanks for the info.

The restrictions do get frustrating, a 125grn limit you just lost every 6.5 mm guy out there. Fix the target system and let the guys shoot

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17 minutes ago, MULEPACKHUNTER said:

Sounds like a fun time thanks for the info.

The restrictions do get frustrating, a 125grn limit you just lost every 6.5 mm guy out there. Fix the target system and let the guys shoot

Not at all.  I shoot 100 gr. 6.5 Nosler BT handloads at 2980 fps.  Seems to work.  But I think there have been some 6.5 shooters using 140 gr.  Nobody seemed to care.

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14 hours ago, Lucafu1 said:

Thanks for the info. I need to research this, I am interested.

This match accommodates a variety of skill and equipment levels.  It is family friendly.  If you want to shoot a Mini-14, or Thompson Contender, that would be ok.  If you prefer a heavy-barrel bolt gun, with rangefinder, Kestrel, and ballistic software, that is fine too.  Chronographs and spotting scopes welcome.  Ditto tripods, shooting sticks, you name it.


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I think for me this match is a great chance to put your gears and skills to a somewhat laidback setting. I like that it’ll take everything from super heavy barrels to some sort of basic SET like a Mini 14. Those perfect scores aren’t the only thing; it’s supposed to be fun and challenging. With plenty of room for different skill levels, and with an added relaxed atmosphere, it almost feels easier to do. If you like to shoot accurately, it is certainly worth a try.

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57 minutes ago, zenoida771 said:

I think for me this match is a great chance to put your gears and skills to a somewhat laidback setting. I like that it’ll take everything from super heavy barrels to some sort of basic SET like a Mini 14. Those perfect scores aren’t the only thing; it’s supposed to be fun and challenging. With plenty of room for different skill levels, and with an added relaxed atmosphere, it almost feels easier to do. If you like to shoot accurately, it is certainly worth a try.

The best thing for these matches is getting together with like minded folks. Beginners learning the ropes and seeking knowledge all the way to those gifted shooters shooting at the highest levels.

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2 hours ago, PRDATR said:

The best thing for these matches is getting together with like minded folks. Beginners learning the ropes and seeking knowledge all the way to those gifted shooters shooting at the highest levels.

I've never met a gifted shooter. I've rubbed elbows with a few of them that practiced their butts off though!

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1 hour ago, 10Turkeys said:

I've never met a gifted shooter. I've rubbed elbows with a few of them that practiced their butts off though!

No doubt that practice will eventually get most there but a few people just have that natural ability that 98% of people will never consistently achieve no mater how much they practice.

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3 hours ago, Chop said:

David Tubb

He is certainly one heck of a rifleman. He was mentored by his parents, on the rifle team at TCU, and was further mentored by Mid Thompkins and Gary Anderson. You can bet that he expended a lot of primers to get where he got.

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