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More Trophy Bass Fishin'

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Well I should be doing other things instead of fishin', but i just can't help myself! I've got a new "honey hole", one that I've known about but haven't tried yet until recently. Tonight was the first time draggin' the boat in there and my buddy David and I were not dissappointed in the least! We only had 2 hours to find the fish and figure out what they were hungry for and it took all of about 5 casts to land the first one which was a solid 3 pounder! We caught several more in the 2-3 pound range and were excited becuase we knew it was only a matter of time before one of us caught a really good fish. Sure enough David slams the rod back bringing a big explosion in the water with a great 5 pounder dancin' around trying to shake the jig free!






Now it was my turn! Shortly after David caught his big fish we rolled up on a small break in the brush, David said there should be a fish in there, so I casted to it and over shot the spot. David laughed and made the comment that I must be trying to be sneaky by bringin' my bait past the spot instead of hitting it.....more or less makin' fun of my casting skills :angry: :P Well whatever I did worked and sure enough a fish was in the spot, I felt the hit and laid into the rod and instantly felt the hard pull of the fish! I knew at that point I had something good! The fish was haulin' for deep water and directly under the boat and it was all I could do to hold the rod against the boat until I got him turned back toward the shore! I kept telling David to get the net, this one is a pig! Finally the fish rose and I then could see it wasn't the 10 pounder I thought I had, but a pig of a fish nonetheless! We finally landed em' and I was excited as it's definitely one of the biggest bass I've boated! The scale said she was just over 6 pounds! In the end we ended up with 15 fish landed and several caught and lost, and almost all of them were 2 pounds or bigger! Too much fun! JIM>







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I think You and Dave both need to WORK more and fish less!!! :rolleyes: :P :P You guys make me sick!!!! Every time you guys go out you boat a couple of monster fish!!! :blink: :blink: I am envious.... <_< :lol: :lol: :P


Congrat on the Biggun's! Enjoy while you can Buddy it will be hot enough to fry eggs on the boat pretty soon!!!! :blink: :o :lol: :lol:

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Yeah, when it gets that hot I'll already be back up north watchin' the elk grow! I don't get much time to fish but when I do I tend to put everything else in my life on hold.....just ask my wife, she knows all about it! :unsure:


We never keep any of the fish we catch so these will hopefully grow up into that 10 pounder that I hope to catch on another day!

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What can I say but awesome! :D

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