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warner resigned

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I think 19 million guaranteed for a 38 year old is a great deal for him, and with his 1 million a year for the next two years given back if they re-sign Boldin it is a good deal for the Cards. They had to let him test the market, he wanted 14 to 16 million a year, it might be football, but when you have a salary cap you have to get the best deal possible for the team. We all need to remember that he hasn't played two consecutive years in his career, he is injury prone, so praying to God that they signed him might need to be praying to God that he stays healthy, because 19 million guaranteed sucks if it is for someone who can't play.

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$19,000,000 for one year. I think it is ludicrous. A teacher may earn just 1 million over the course of their entire lifelong career, and I would value his of her benefit on the community and individuals over that of an athlete who plays a game to entertain people.

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Doug I don't think anyone would disagree with that. The problem is that people pay for entertainment, and it is supply and demand when it comes to that. Movie stars, singers, TV personalities, and athletes all are in huge demand and people like to be entertained. Teachers, police, military personnel, and other agencies are much needed, but underpaid. 19,000,000 for two years is a lot of money, but there isn't one of us that would turn it down, and if someone said I am going to give you 19,000,000 and you get to pick what your job would be if you had to work for it, football player would be high on a lot of peoples list, so would just about any athlete, in our case professional hunter even, but if most had to pick I would bet that teacher would be toward the bottom, and any job that risked your life in the sense of the military or police would be very low on the list, we would be a world of athletes and rock stars, and we would all be dumb as a box of rocks, well most of us.

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so my theory on this is that it is all of our faults. at least everyone who purchases products that advertise during televised sporting events.


my logic is as follows:


the main reason teams have this much money to spend on players is because they get a lot of money from the leagues they are in. the leagues get most of their money from the networks that pay to broadcast their games. the networks get most of their money from the companies that purchase advertising time from them. the companies get most of their money from the consumers that purchase their products.


get the masses to boycott the products of the companies that buy the advertising time and inform the companies of what they are doing and why and the house of cards comes crashing down.


unfortunately I do not see in the near future the masses halting their purchases of Coke, Pepsi, Bud, Lite, etc.

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I love sports, I think it is great at all levels, and the pro level is the pinnacle of sports. Even if they are overpaid I will continue to watch and support my teams, so I am at fault and will continue to be.

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I agree Kevin---and i also agree with Doug that teachers are under paid and under appreciated--

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Totally agree Terry - teachers, firefighters, policemen etc. are underpaid. The difference in this debate is that taxpayer dollars are not used to pay for the salaries of Warner or Man-Ram or any other athlete. There's only so many tax dollars to go around, not that you'd know it by the way this Govt. spends money. If my or your tax dollars were used to pay for Warner's salary I'd be totally pizzed. Michael Moore, Al Gore, hollywood etc. make millions on their propaganda spouting movies, entertainment etc. and alot of people support their products. Rather than being pissed that athletes making millions I'm more pissed that our taxpaying dollars are used for the salaries of guys like Barney Frank, Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid, Napolitano etc. the list is endless - and the bacon factory pork these losers waste our money on.

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$19,000,000 for one year. I think it is ludicrous. A teacher may earn just 1 million over the course of their entire lifelong career, and I would value his of her benefit on the community and indivuals over that of an athlete who plays a game to entertain people.


Well said Doug and I would have to agree with you but if there is a lighter side to this it would have to be that most athletes of Warner's stature do give a great amount of money to charities that benefit many organizations thoughout our communities. :)






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