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Thinking about hanging it up

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I’ve been drawing these late archery bull tags now and then for a while.  I’m just tired of wearing myself out.    I’m strongly  considering just putting in for rifle hunts.  It would be nice to just hear bang, then flop for a change. 
Well, my oldest son and I both drew this year.  I wound up letting him do most of the stalking.  We would glass in the morning, and try to get on them.  We located some of the biggest bulls I’ve ever seen.  Most of them were located in completely unstalkable locations.  I thought my son was gonna seal the deal a few times, but he always got discovered at the last second right before a shot opportunity.  
He never did connect, but time spent with my son can’t be replaced.

On our way home from work, my wife saw a bull she thought I could get to. She’s be praying that God would give me a nice bull on this hunt. I’d seen a few bulls on my commute, including some real studs, but never had time to go after them on days I had to work.  But the hunt was drawing to a close, and this bull was low hanging fruit.  
Even after a terrible shot, I got it done.  My wife’s prayers were answered!

Also, my youngest son filled his first youth tag and got an elk.






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Congratulation and yes it can be really tough. They seem to know when it's safe to stroll by and when they are being stalked. I knew a guy who move up to a rural town in CO and worked for a local butcher and he would always post up broadheads and various bullets that were retrieved during the process that had not bee the fatal kill.

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Those late archery hunts are tough regardless of unit. Its one of those things that you have to find the recope to repeatedly be successful.  That's a helluva a bull in general congrats! 

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