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I guess you could say he is a firm believer in "Deer face and Bear _ _ _" and save a tree ... you know the rest. :lol:

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about 5-10 years ago i was in that party stage of life and if i could go back i wouldnt change a thing.but now when i go hunt or scouting i wish i was young agian and in good shape to carry my out of shape butt over mountain tops. however thier is a lot of white tails in havasu that are worth scouting for :unsure:

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(76 sheds in 3 days!) Hot Dam, Brian!

How did ya pull that off. I hunt for sheds often, that is almost 20 antlers a day. The best I've ever pulled out of canyon was 8 (2 sets). The eight antlers, together all weighed ~ 48 lbs plus my gear and not to mention hiking all day from sun up to sundown and trying to come off the Mtn. with noodle legs. Dang man thats great...gives me somethin to shoot for. :unsure:

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We found all those sheds in 1998 before everyone and their grandma was out there hiking and riding around. It was me and four other guys so that averages out to about 20 sheds per person and that included deer sheds although about 50 of the total were good elk sheds. I think only 15 or so were fresh browns. We hiked into a spot about four miles from any road that hadn't hardly been touched. The crazy thing is that we found all the sheds in a day and a half and spent the next day and a half packing them out on our backs (two trips). We had a blast but man we were we tired!. We have had some decent trips since but havn't done near as well as we did that spring break and don't hope to again. Last spring break my brother and I came out with 16 elk sheds in about 3 and a half days of looking. I am ataching a photo of the our sheds from last year.





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