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Max's second deer 3hrs in opening day

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So Max first deer was just a little baby 3 point.  So we were going to hold out for anything slightly bigger this year.  Hiked in a 1/2 mile and started glassing.  It was disappointing, not even a doe.  We moved up another 1/2 mile.  We were at a high rocky point when I spotted and pretty decent forky.  At 686 yards and just rocks and boulders on a steep hill we moved to the next ridge.  We moved after he went into a thick of oak trees. 

This next ridge was a nice sitting bench.  While the buck was still in the trees I ranged 5 different areas.  The trees were 485 yards, dialed in for that, and set the gun up and put my hunting pack under the stock.  I told Max to find a comfortable shooting position and set the gun up on that position.  Best part right next to the location of the buck was tree in yellow fall colors.  So real easy to find in binos and scope.

After we got set up we both jumped on our binos and just tried to pick apart the oaks.  After 20 mins some does started coming out.  A total of 3 of them. After another 10 min of watching the deer come out, Max says that buck is in that open clearing again.  I already knew it was ranged at 535yds so I quickly dialed for it.  Max jumped on the 6CM 103 ELD-X. (Springfeild Waypoint, Suppressed)   Lance got that round up to 3100 fps shooting less than 1/4 groupings.  Ive shot 6" plates at 986yds with this gun.  Ive been so impressed with it.   The Buck was perfect broad side, and Max controlled his breathing and then shot.  A perfect hit! He ran 10ft and tumbled.  I said you got him!  His excitement was "I got him??" He ended up being a 3x2    




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  • Great Buck! 3

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Nice buck and great shot placement. Be proud of that shot a lot of adults can’t make that shot. Congrats!

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