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gobbling turkeys

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I'm new at this turkey thing, can I expect to hear the toms gobbling in late April when the season starts? Does it depend on the weather? Any info will help. Thanks.

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yes they will be gobbling in late april and probably a month before that, but for sure by then. park anywere in the mountains just before sunrise and get out and listen for a few minutes and you will hear a turkey gobble. and if by chance you done, move a half mile and listen again, they are very vocal just before sunrise and just before fly down time.... the only time you would'nt hear them gobble is if the wind is 50 miles and hour (and that happens offten during turkey season) and then it is not becasue they arent gobbling its becasue you just cant hear over the wind.

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yes they will be gobbling in late april and probably a month before that, but for sure by then. park anywere in the mountains just before sunrise and get out and listen for a few minutes and you will hear a turkey gobble. and if by chance you done, move a half mile and listen again, they are very vocal just before sunrise and just before fly down time.... the only time you would'nt hear them gobble is if the wind is 50 miles and hour (and that happens offten during turkey season) and then it is not becasue they arent gobbling its becasue you just cant hear over the wind.





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they will also gobble in the evening. each bird is different. I have been in one spot and at the exact same time had different birds gobble to 3 different calls but not all 3 of them to the same. one bird gobble to peacock call, different bird gobble to gobble call, third bird gobble to hen call but other two did not gobble to hen, peacock or gobble calls.

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No need to buy a call. I blow into my hands to imitate the "who COOKS for you" call of an owl to locate roosting trees before first light.


Incidentally, the entire turkey population leaves unit 1 (where my cabin is) before May 1 (when my hunt starts). :P


Bill Quimby

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Owl calls work the best I think, but I have never bought one. A big ol "A-hoot" from the diaphragm, kind of like a hollow sound. Probably makes no sense, me explaining, but if you figure it out, it works great!



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Owl calls work the best I think, but I have never bought one. A big ol "A-hoot" from the diaphragm, kind of like a hollow sound. Probably makes no sense, me explaining, but if you figure it out, it works great!




:blink: :lol: :lol:

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