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Broken Wheels


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Up for sale still: $500.00 - 1 Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 mag pistol, 4 3'/4" blued barrel, in real good condition (safe queen).  If interested in pics text me @ 4eight0-4three0-three8three8. Thanks for looking!  



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I am at work fellas, responded to a couple of you as I can, will respond better once I am off. Please keep in mind I am not on this site after work as I don't have a computer at home so texting is the best option after 5pm. 

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New or old style?

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Not sure what you mean by "new or old style" as this revolver is probably 20 years old 19 of those in a safe. So if age dictates "style" maybe this answers your question? I know on my Ruger Single Six it has three screws which is considered more valuable than the other single sixes, not sure how it applies with the Vaquero line.

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11 minutes ago, Broken Wheels said:

Not sure what you mean by "new or old style" as this revolver is probably 20 years old 19 of those in a safe. So if age dictates "style" maybe this answers your question? I know on my Ruger Single Six it has three screws which is considered more valuable than the other single sixes, not sure how it applies with the Vaquero line.

Does it say "vaquero" or does it say "new vaquero" on the gun? There is a difference in frame size.

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That answers the question, thanks!  The newer style has the improved transfer bar from my understanding ... as to whether it is really an improvement or not???  It basically makes it "safer" to carry with the hammer down on a loaded chamber in the cylinder.

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