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Big or Bust

NM muzzie coues

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Took a few years to figure out this unit. Not a good unit.  Scouted a big buck this summer. Saw him 2 days before season but not again for 3 days during season. Crafty old sucker.  Bears like flies.  Not for the faint of heart unit. It sucks. 

Big buck scouted. aKe9wlS.jpeg


Caught this buck stretching at 130 PM, 20 minutes after my nap, Day 2 of 5 of hunt but day 5 for me as NM has 5 day seasons and I got there early. Thought he was my big guy and he was in a good spot for an open sighted muzzleloader with very few deer in this unit.  Gotta go get there in case I said. 

Got setup at 75 yards after a sporty stalk.  Great setup with some rocks in front, perfect.


I still couldn't tell exactly what he was as he was tight in the trees with 83 degree highs. But I was hoping he was my guy as this area was smack in the middle of the big guys home range. Opportunities are not many in NM for sure....

Sat on him for 4 hours at 75 yards and still couldn't ID what exactly he was other than a good buck. 

Finally, he got up to feed a bit and I realized he wasn't the big guy but dang with a big wind storm coming in and at 75 yards I assessed him fast and said he's pretty good. He wouldnt turn so I shot him hard, hard quarter to. Shot him at 75 with a 275 grain Barnes. Heart shot him but I didn't know with the BH 209 smoke . He went a full 100 yards and it was a bloodbath. No idea how he went that far. He's got ear and brisket wrinkles and his teeth match that. He's at least 6 I think if not older. Maybe older. He's likely as good as he's gonna get, likely. I'm happy with him even though the big boy is a class above. 



Inspired by Kev...







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heck yeah dude! That's a big old gnarly character buck and he's looking swole!  Of course the first guy in the spotter looks like a wet dream but that is hunting and you still came out great in the end. The chase is what we live for. Thanks for sharing your story.  Id kill that buck in a heartbeat myself. Well done.  

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You done did well! Giant ol buck. Congrats on a beauty. 

That scouted buck looks like a tank. Too bad he didn't show himself. Pretty awesome. 


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Well done, love the mass!

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2 hours ago, az41mag said:

Darn good buck! thanks for posting!

Side question, does the triclawps change your point of impact much?

As long as you don't put it out to far on the fore end of the stock crunching the stock against the barrel it shouldn't change poi

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20 hours ago, az41mag said:

Darn good buck! thanks for posting!

Side question, does the triclawps change your point of impact much?

I only use it for relatively short type shots when another type of rest isn't an option but I have not noticed POI changes. I agree with Kevin's foreend comments...

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