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Found 4b archery bull

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I found someone's archery bull this morning in 4b. Had the arrow near the carcass. Describe the bull and what color your fletchings are and I'll send you coordinates. However, it is up to you to decide what to do with it. After season such a long time azgfd won't like you just picking it up but that's on you to decide. Also to narrow it down as to not get everyone that wounded an elk in 4b messaging me, the bull is nowhere near the pines.

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5 hours ago, MogollonMan said:

A lot of legal issues with tagging a bull after the hunt closes. Especially this late. You should both tread lightly.

I don't have to tread anything. I found an elk and told the hunter where it is. He can do with that what he pleases. He can always mark where it's at and go pick it up in the spring if he wants once it is no longer fresh. (Perfectly legal FYI)

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