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Baby boy names

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We just found out were are having our first boy.....after two beautiful girls that I wouldn't trade for the world we are having a boy.....we are really struggling with names.....so please provide input.



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Darren is what we named our son. My wife has always liked the name Travis.

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Congratulations Scott ;) very cool.


I'm not 100% sold on it yet, but the wife likes "Hunter" if we have a boy. (not trying yet though)


I to love the name Hunter but I'm affraid of all the flack I would get for it. :)

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we have a Kohl(before Kohls stores were out here), Clay and Calvin

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Congratulations on your boy to come and Hunter is an excellent name. My niece named their son Hunter and if I were to ever have a boy I would name him Hunter as well. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you named him after me, TJ :lol: :lol: ;)



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How about Coues? If I were to have another one (which i can't) I would name him coues. ;) My boys name is Zack (I loved saved by the bell when I was in high school) :lol:

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