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13A Advice

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Hey guys, I've been on here a long time and rarely ask for any area-specific advice but I am headed to 13A in a few weeks and could use any information or suggestions you may have. I know the first thing a lot of folks will say is "get a guide". I have nothing against guides at all, it's just not something I'm planning to do. Of course, there's the "Go scout it" advice also but being nearly 12 hours away and all my time off from work committed to the hunt itself I probably won't get much scouting time before the hunt.

That aside, I hunted 13B solo back in 2012 and killed a nice buck (I'll look for a link to the story), but I've only been to 13A once to help out a friend and was only there for the first couple days and didn't learn too much about the unit. I'm planning to camp on the S side of Mt. Trumbull and I've been studying the area on OnX marking water sources etc. My understanding is the rut should be going strong - the hunt starts Nov 15th - so in a way the deer could be just about anywhere. I'm mostly interested in getting away from the combat hunting that sometimes occurs up there, where everyone is focused on the same area and racing to beat everyone else to the punch. I'm in good shape and willing to hike but it looks like there are roads just about everywhere.

Any tips or suggestions are much appreciated! Thanks in advance.


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Here's a link to the 13B story in case anyone is interested. Pretty fun going through old posts to find it.



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It is tough for those of us who can hike aways when there are roads everywhere. My son and I had tags about 9 years ago in 13B and there were road hunters everywhere. Still, we were able to hike quite a bit and though he had opportunities he wasn't able to make it happen.

Best of luck on the hunt. I'll have 11BP's next year and looking to hunt one of the Mule Deer Units.

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My friend was up there during the archery hunt, helping his cousin.  I can give you his number.  They were chasing a couple of tanks. 

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You want to get away from people and do some hiking go down Whitmore to Paws Pocket and have it all to yourself. Hunt from Emma south, never know what you might find in there.

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