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Shot my first elk

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I've been hunting 6b for the past week and finally was able to connect on a cow elk last night at sundown sitting water. She came in broadside at 47 yards and i let it fly. I followed the blood as far as I could follow then it stopped. Came back this morning for recovery and found her. Wish I saw her earlier because I think it may have been too long and now the meat is spoiled. But a great journey and happy to record this as a first elk and archery kill. Thank you to everyone who gave me advice to make this happen over the last few months. 




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Congrats! I'd bet not all the meat is spoiled... Cut out the wound area and or ponce...

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My first deer I gut shot. Had to recover in the morning. Stunk real bad. I got it home and put it in the fridge for 4 days then processed. No stink, no issues. Tasted great!

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When you take the hind quarter off split some of the muscles down the femur to open it up that bone cooling off will act like a heat sink.  A meat guy told me one time that the meat will start spoiling from the inside not the outside so just get it cool as quickly as you can

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