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Quiet Footwear

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Do any of you use "Safari Stalkers" or "Bear Stalkers" or whatever you want to call them?  Are they actually helpful?  I have never used them and curious if they worth trying.  If you do like them, please let me know what brand you're using.  

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They’re a pia. Just walk softer 


when I blow a stalk it’s always the wind 

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A few years ago I tried taking my boots off and try a stalk in some moccasin type shoe and I think I made more noise whimpering as the danged thorn went into my foot. Yeah I’d concentrate on wind more and just really concentrate on every step

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I gave in several years ago and bought a pair of the Silent Sneakers.  I used them once and they were a PIA.  It took forever to get them on and I was watching the deer start to walk off.  Then I just quit remembering to grab them, probably intentionally. I'm with oz31p.  Just learn to walk softer and take your time.

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