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Lucky One

Hunting with Muzzle Brakes

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Gino, the rifle those came off is my brand new custom 300 RUM. I just had it shipped to me a little over a week ago and I've not even been able to shoot it yet because of all the snow.


With that said, from what I've been told the break will change the POI, but not the velocity, pressure, group size, or anything else. If that is true I will use the break at the range for load development and then switch to the cap for hunting.


Of course I'll have to test everything out for myself, but that's all I know for now. Hopefully enough snow has melted that they will open the range today and I can finally shoot my new toy! I'll keep you posted.

TAM, that info is spot on. The brake will change your barrel harmonics, and most likely your POI, but the rifle performance (group size) and bullet velocity will be unaffected. I'm interested to see your new rig also. It had an ABS barrel and a Predator action if memory serves. (?)

For what it's worth, i have never passed on a shot because I didn't have ear protection with me. I always carry plugs in my pack. But there have been times i didn't have time to get my plugs in. That could be fixed if I just wore them around my neck I guess. The only time I've ever had an issue really is if I had some sort of rock or tree to the side of me for the sound to bounce off of. You'll only make that mistake once ;)

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CS, yep... good memory. ABS carbon wrap over a Shilen cut rifle barrel. 28 inch tube, Predator action, McMillan thumbhole stock, Limbsaver recoil pad, and I topped it off with a Huskemaw 5-20 scope. The test targets from the gunsmith all have cloverleaf groups.


With regards to the original topic, my ears have seen to much abuse from shooting and loud concerts in my younger days. I'm pretty sure I have some permanant hearing damage from my past poor judgement. When I shoot at a range with a canopy and other shooters nearby I always double up on my ear protection. I have never owned a rifle with a break before and I hope I never make the mistake of shooting it without ear protection! I don't want my ears getting any worse than they already are.

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My hearing has taken some huge hits over the years, I try my best to protect it but sometimes it just doesn't happen. Even if I have plugs with me it seems those are the last thing you think about when your critter is standing within' range. My biggest problem, and the biggest reason for my hearing loss is from clients or friends that pulled the trigger without warning. I just got HAMMERED last week in Mexico by a client's muzzlebrake. We couldn't set up any different becuase of the vegetation, the muzzlebrake of his .300WBY was no more than 3 feet to the right of my head and I immediately made a note of this! I was set up behind my binos to spot the shot, I turned to him and in a very stern tone I told him to "LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU ARE GOING TO SHOOT!" Just as I turned back to my binos and with my hands halfway up to my ears...the gun goes off! I wanted to cry becuase I knew there was no fixing what just happened. This exact thing happened a couple months ago with a different client, it didn't matter that I had just told him to give me warning. When in the heat of the moment people (myself included) get tunnel vision and I should be A LOT more careful. I usually set up to the side of the shooter to call the shot through my binos or to help acquire the target, this always puts me in a bad position and more times than not I end up paying the price. One of these days I'll be able to afford those nifty hearing aids I saw in the Western Hunter Mag.......I just hope it's before I actually need hearing aids :(



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Just charge hunters with brakes an extra $$$grand to pay for your hearing aids and hearing loss you'll have to live with for the rest of your life. Lucky you didn't burst a drum.

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I have a 40% hearing loss in my left ear thanks to a 300 win mag with a break on it, and a cues buck a couple years ago and a bear the year after. I have shot that rifle maybe 3 times without hearing protection, and everytime I say "never again" and everytime I have had protection in my backpack; just did not take the time to grab them. Now I tie the ear plugs on the back of my ball cap so I have no reason not to put them in...



But to answer the question asked....... If I had to take a quick shot at the right buck without hearing protection------I probably would.


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Mike and Gino,


What about the PERMANENT loss of hearing from shooting that way?


I have never shot a gun with a break with out plugs, but I have shot plenty with out plugs. When I took the hearing test for the BP, I had to do it twice as my left ear failed the test on the first try.

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Maybe just me, but I'd rather have the reduced recoil and deal with the sound. Sure they're loud but can anyone tell us the actual decible increas of a .300 Mag with a brake vs. without?


I guarantee you'll find plenty of sites showing the difference in foot pounds on the shoulder between the two. BTW, I've shot a .300 Wby Mag many times with a brake installed, and sustained more damage from stupid teen-induced amps in my car than from that gun. Just shoot at the range with proper hearing protection. In the field, they never seem to bark quite as loud. JMO. I only play a Dr. on TV. :blink:

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Hey Lucky One shouldn't you be working right now instead of dreaming about shootin things? LOL

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Maybe just me, but I'd rather have the reduced recoil and deal with the sound. Sure they're loud but can anyone tell us the actual decible increas of a .300 Mag with a brake vs. without?


You might read these linked from my post above





Here is a table with dB levels for various firearms. Remember that dB is not linear, but logarithmic. So if the db increases by 3dB, the sound pressure is doubled.


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I bought custom earplugs years ago at a show, and I always wear both the plugs and ear muffs when I target shoot. However, I frequently have not had protection in my ears when shooting at game. One thing I have thought of getting to make it more likely for me to use protection during hunting situations is to get those orange ones that the Jay Scott and crew use in the Extreme Coues video. The plugs are connected together and hang around your neck like a stethoscope so it takes only a second to put them in place. Mine are connected by a string and when I wear them around my neck sometimes they slip off and I worry I will loose them.





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Ive only shot my broke (braked) RUM a few times with out protection and a few others with brakes with out plugs in. I always have cheap at least 2 pairs of plugs in my pack. A foam pair and soft plastic ones teathered together. Somebody alwys forgets theirs and they dont weigh anything. Lots of times I wear banded plugs around my neck. They are the foam plugs connected with a hard plastic piece. They dont bounce at all and are handy if you need them quick. I dont see how i could pass on a booner, but i also know plenty of right handed guys that are hard of hearing in their left ear and a few southpaws that cant hear from their right. My dad has always been on me about plugs or muffs so im better off than i would be if he wasnt.

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Hey Lucky One shouldn't you be working right now instead of dreaming about shootin things? LOL


I am working, I'm monitoring this site to make sure none of our employee's are on here wasting time.

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