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Lucky One

Hunting with Muzzle Brakes

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Never passed on a shot but I have to use hearing protection with my RUM, I would suggest if you do get one, get a cap to to replace the break when hunting and use the break at a range. I would shoot it both ways at the range at first to make sure taking it shoots good with or with out it.


I usually dont fill the kick when I'm shootin at a animal without the brake off.


Just my 2 cents.

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WHAT? I can't hear you :unsure:

No I have never passed on a shot because of not having protection.

It really is not that bad for the shooter as it is off to the sides.

That is as long as the barrel end is not on top of a big flat rock.

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I was on a bear hunt with a guy who took 4 shots with a braked 300 WM without wearing plugs or muffs. He said his ears rang for over a month afterwards.

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I shot twice without ear protection using my 30-378, and told myself never again !

Because of that incident I ended up passing on a couple of good bucks I jumped up hiking into a glassing spot.

I guess if the deer were huge I would have let the hammer drop, but I figure long term hearing will be important and if I don't have to, I won't.


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No Pain No Gain... No Guts No Glory! ;) There ain't nothin' dyin' if'n the lead ain't flyin'!!!!!! :lol: :lol:



Heck no!!!We have all done it!! ...I mean run off and forgot the plugs.... but what are ya gunna do??? Trade a good critter because your gunna have some bells in your ears.... No WAY!! ;) Althougth it is really bad to do... I'd say half the critters that have taken dirt naps because of "the Tradition" have been done without ear protection.... that is why we love the One Shot Kill!! :lol: You gotta let is all hang out, there are many critters over the years that would have lived on if we "chickened out" cuz it was a "bad" idea or a bit too dangerous.... ear plugs are the same thing... just gotta make the call. However, we Always make sure the kids have ear protection!!!! Even if it is a couple of wads of TP! ;)


So what if your a bit deaf when you get older.... :rolleyes: ... gives you a good reason for not heaing what the Missus is gripin' at you about!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :P

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What Goodoleboy said is right on. Have your gunsmith build an end cap. When you're shooting at the range you can use your muzzle break and hearing protection and when your hunting you can make that one shot kill with the regular end cap.


Here's a pic of mine.





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What Goodoleboy said is right on. Have your gunsmith build an end cap. When you're shooting at the range you can use your muzzle break and hearing protection and when your hunting you can make that one shot kill with the regular end cap.





Do you have any concerns about changing your POI down range by not having the brake on? I would think that the difference in the length of the barrel and the different preasures might have an affect??? I only ask, cuz I have never tested that.....

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Speaking as some one who has permanent damage to their hearing from not wearing hearing protection... I telling you youll be sorry later if you dont protect your ears.

One of my ears rings so bad 24/7 that there are days I feel like jabbing a 16 penny nail in there just to make it go away.

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Speaking as some one who has permanent damage to their hearing from not wearing hearing protection... I telling you youll be sorry later if you dont protect your ears.

One of my ears rings so bad 24/7 that there are days I feel like jabbing a 16 penny nail in there just to make it go away.



Mine too Jeff... we can thank our Dad's for bring us up in the Trade!! ;) Skill Saws are what have done me in... not guns! ;) Can't hear for crap outta my left ear! <_<

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Gino, the rifle those came off is my brand new custom 300 RUM. I just had it shipped to me a little over a week ago and I've not even been able to shoot it yet because of all the snow.


With that said, from what I've been told the break will change the POI, but not the velocity, pressure, group size, or anything else. If that is true I will use the break at the range for load development and then switch to the cap for hunting.


Of course I'll have to test everything out for myself, but that's all I know for now. Hopefully enough snow has melted that they will open the range today and I can finally shoot my new toy! I'll keep you posted.

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I'll take a couple pic's and post 'em up tonight just for you RR. Probably put them in the rifle/reloading section.

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