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Non-Typical Solutions

Mayor of Mesa

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Trump handled the military better than Joe. Trump would not have pulled out of Afghanistan the way Joe did. he left billions there. Oh dont forget Abey gate!! Joe made a deal with the war lords over there to send 40,000,000 -87,000,000 a week yes a week over to them for the soldiers that we killed in the war. WTF they deserve sh!t . Trump would not have done that. Trump told the taliban leader that we would pull out by a date and if he hurt 1 person in the process he would have him hunted down and killed then showed him a picture of his house and left the meeting. Joe gave them what they want. Who the heck negotiates with a terrorist that way? The government wants division and that's what they are getting. 



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Guessing he is part of that group that got busted hiding half a billion dollars in shell corporations last year. Just a wild guess...

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Face it. Our  country is a shite show, we are ridiculed internationally and no longer considered a  deterrent to aggressive countries . We will no doubt start to see the terrorist attacks on  innocents throughout the USA that Europe has due to their liberal policies . I’m approaching the end of my working career, have saved, scrimped when necessary,  SS will not be my retirement  income by any stretch , but I don’t want to pay taxes again on the money  earnings  I put away or on SS because I planned  ahead.  Socialism is the democrats platform. It works great until you run out of other people’s money…. Which is gonna happen.

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Let me know how that works (or will work for you)  No Tags.  I feel the same way, but getting $$ of the USA means a couple of things....moving yourself out of the USA which is probably "easy".  Moving your money out of the USA is a real bitch, or so my research has shown.  

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Kamala has now gone full communist. Endorsing govt price controls. Just like Maduro in Venezuela   

i guess the mayor supports this also because “ORANGE MAN BAD”?

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I'm pretty moderate on most issues. There is a quote I like by economist John Kenneth Galbraith said (the part in bold is seen most often but I'm providing the rest for context): 

"I react to what is necessary. I would like to eschew any formula. There are some things where the government is absolutely inevitable, which we cannot get along without comprehensive state action. But there are many things — producing consumer goods, producing a wide range of entertainment, producing a wide level of cultural activity — where the market system, which independent activity is also important, so I react pragmatically. Where the market works, I'm for that. Where the government is necessary, I'm for that. I'm deeply suspicious of somebody who says, "I'm in favor of privatization," or, "I'm deeply in favor of public ownership." I'm in favor of whatever works in the particular case."

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Everyone NEEDS to kick in and prevent what would be the end of our freedoms as we know them. Most hunters probably realize this, but millions of gun owners (according to analysists) either don't vote or understand the ramifications of a lib/prog reign for 4 more years. We NEED to get more involved if we want to keep our freedoms. If you know any gun owners not registered to vote or don't understand things, we need to help them see things honestly as most of the media is omitting facts and outright lying to America. Lets ALL get more involved and get this done! Sitting on the sidelines won't help. Vote RED

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20 minutes ago, azphil said:

Everyone NEEDS to kick in and prevent what would be the end of our freedoms as we know them. Most hunters probably realize this, but millions of gun owners (according to analysists) either don't vote or understand the ramifications of a lib/prog reign for 4 more years. We NEED to get more involved if we want to keep our freedoms. If you know any gun owners not registered to vote or don't understand things, we need to help them see things honestly as most of the media is omitting facts and outright lying to America. Lets ALL get more involved and get this done! Sitting on the sidelines won't help. Vote RED


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Picked up a new customer and they have a sign in their yard that reads "I'm a Republican, but I'm no fool. Harris 2024". I thought to myself riiiggghhhtt..  

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No such thing as a good politician. 

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Nope . If their lips are moving typically they’re spinning some B S . Most politicians are looking for their next step up the political ladder. Some may actually start out for the right reasons to serve the public or community and use they’re volunteerism but unfortunately politics is a dirty game and soon they’re making promises for support they either can’t keep or they’re indebted to those who support there campaign with money for their own benefit. When people get rich in politics we must ask ourselves HOW? Their salaries are public knowledge! Giles may or may not be a scuzball politician but IMO he sure looks like he’s leaning towards being one . 

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4 hours ago, Grugle said:

Nope . If their lips are moving typically they’re spinning some B S . Most politicians are looking for their next step up the political ladder. Some may actually start out for the right reasons to serve the public or community and use they’re volunteerism but unfortunately politics is a dirty game and soon they’re making promises for support they either can’t keep or they’re indebted to those who support there campaign with money for their own benefit. When people get rich in politics we must ask ourselves HOW? Their salaries are public knowledge! Giles may or may not be a scuzball politician but IMO he sure looks like he’s leaning towards being one . 

You got any facts to back up your mouth?

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