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Mr. Jonathan

This is insane...

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Guest 300ultramag.

nothing new here..... <_<



I got hit by an illegal on easter day he ran a red light while my sister was making a left. the driver hit us on my side then proceeded through the light and kept going.... I saw a huge trail of radiator fluid coming from his truck so i pursued on foot and when the cops showed up they were acting like I was the crazy one because I was FURIOUS that i just got hit by a drunk illegal that tried to RUN. What if 1 of us in the car would have died and that douche bag got away.....no papers no documents...... but the abilty to wipe out an entire family on easter.... no thanks! I hope this guy wins the lawsuit and gets the Nobel peace prize... then take his picture and give him the Pulitzer Prize.... or just take his rights away!




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I believe this is the same rancher that lost a suit recently for $98,000 for doing this to some hunters that were on state land. I think he is a baffoon for holding anyone against thier will at gun point, even illegals. He brought this on himself.

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This makes me sick... The southern Border is a WAR-ZONE and should be treated as such with mine-fields and snipers every 200yds to stop the CRIMINALS from entering... How do you like me now Paco???... IMHO ...


Here we go again

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I think it sucks that this American citizen is able to be sued on a matter of this nature by Illegal Aliens, Non Citizens that do not have standing to even be in the country let alone on his land.

If the US cannot or will not protect his land and property, then he is within his rights to do it himself.


Let's remember,

He has worked in conjunction with appropriate agencies

He has posted signs in English and Spanish

He has not tried to hide anything and even sought legal agency help

He even tried to turn the other cheek and installed valves on his

tanks to save damage when his losses were too great

He has spent thousands of his own in legal fees and maintenance costs

He has not shot or killed anyone


If he was protecting his property from Legal American citizens and was using

the same force this probably would not get the press it is getting for a variety of reasons.


I applaud his efforts and agree it is a travesty to even allow this in court.

The plaintiffs have no "standing" as they have no legal right to be in the country.

They are just looking to get rich off him and the USA.


This is like a bank robber going to the bank and getting held at gunpoint by a bank manager while waiting for the police to take him to jail. The robber then sues the bank manager for false imprisonment.


Consistently rewarding only Legal immigrants and deporting or incarcerating illegal immigrants is what the Rule of Law is all about.

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very, very well stated!! i applaud you sir. i can't belive that so many "united states citizens" have so much anti american semitizim??? are we just getting numb to all this?? when was the last time you heard about the "war on drugs"? where does most of it come from....um yeah. yeck there are guys on this site getting pics of them? so not only are they breaking into my coutry but bringing tons,and tons of drugs with them.


my 2 cents.....


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AZ, good post...


If that was my ranch, I guess I'd be on trial too...


What a puccified, spineless cesspool we've let this country become.. my forefathers who were killed and had to kill for this country are rolling over in their graves right now.. This "new" America has flushed all their blood, sweat and tears right down the drain and let it become the public crapper for the rest of the world.. I'm less proud of my Nationality everyday because of this crap that is now allowed to go on.



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What a crock! Just like all but one said here this guy is up against it and trying to do what's right (legal). And yes if it was me in that situation I would be right there in court, because i wouldnt stand for it. And knowing that guns are a part of this senario I would absolutely be holding them at gun point. And with all that his been said even if you are a Diamondbacks fan you would do the same thing or be the host for the largest fiesta invasion around. That chaps my hide even more when people can judge so easily on what others, when put in extreme situations have done. I am afraid of what I might do put in his shoes.


"Bury them deep and then bury the shovel"


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I think it sucks that this American citizen is able to be sued on a matter of this nature by Illegal Aliens, Non Citizens that do not have standing to even be in the country let alone on his land.

If the US cannot or will not protect his land and property, then he is within his rights to do it himself.


Let's remember,

He has worked in conjunction with appropriate agencies

He has posted signs in English and Spanish

He has not tried to hide anything and even sought legal agency help

He even tried to turn the other cheek and installed valves on his

tanks to save damage when his losses were too great

He has spent thousands of his own in legal fees and maintenance costs

He has not shot or killed anyone


If he was protecting his property from Legal American citizens and was using

the same force this probably would not get the press it is getting for a variety of reasons.


I applaud his efforts and agree it is a travesty to even allow this in court.

The plaintiffs have no "standing" as they have no legal right to be in the country.

They are just looking to get rich off him and the USA.


This is like a bank robber going to the bank and getting held at gunpoint by a bank manager while waiting for the police to take him to jail. The robber then sues the bank manager for false imprisonment.


Consistently rewarding only Legal immigrants and deporting or incarcerating illegal immigrants is what the Rule of Law is all about.


Holding an armed bank rbber at gun point is the same as holding an unarmed a trespasser at gun point???


He did try to protect his property from legal US citizens, remember how that turned out http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...&hl=barnett


It doesn't matter how hard you've work, how much land you own, and how much money you've spent. You need be within the law when you drop a gun barrel on someone.


This guy owns a large towing company and a propane business plus ranch land. Is it worth losing it all to prove a point.


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What a crock! Just like all but one said here this guy is up against it and trying to do what's right (legal). And yes if it was me in that situation I would be right there in court, because i wouldnt stand for it. And knowing that guns are a part of this senario I would absolutely be holding them at gun point. And with all that his been said even if you are a Diamondbacks fan you would do the same thing or be the host for the largest fiesta invasion around. That chaps my hide even more when people can judge so easily on what others, when put in extreme situations have done. I am afraid of what I might do put in his shoes.


"Bury them deep and then bury the shovel"


One of my ex students was standing next to his friend while he was breaking into this guys jeep. The jeep owner came running out and shot and killed my ex student. Most people on here feel that the Jeep owner was in the right. But, he was on the wrong side of the law. The Jeep owner lost his Jeep because he is doing 20 to life. Hard price to a "feeling" of what is right.

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Diamondback, it's attitudes like yours that has turned this country into the pisspot it is now.. You can try and peddle your point of view all you want on here, but 99.9% of all readers on THIS site are going to disagree with you on this..no matter what you say. Its a crying shame that a man can't protect what's his anymore..


Sorry bout your buddy(ex student).. My stance is he shouldn't have been hanging with a thief. If he wasn't, he'd still have his life and the Jeep owner would still have his freedom. Sucks anyway you look at it. Sounds to me that you have a personal feeling towards this topic because of this past experience and now want to throw your bitter opinion out there for all of us to read and agree with.. Fat chance.


Now get pissy and let me have it.. I've said it before on here, I have skin like a rhino's rump.. All they are are typed words.

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Hard to say if we ever get all the story, but if you hold a bank robber, or a hit and run driver or someone who tries to abduct a child or a trespasser for the authorities I don't think it can be done with our good looks, so a firearm is reasonable as long as you do not fire it unless it is necessary to protect your life (or property in some states.)


The guy may have a chip on his shoulder if the hunters on state trust land story is true. In this case the hunters were legal and did have the right and "standing" to sue.


This sort of thing is divisive and It's ugly but if they were not here illegaly it would not have happened.

In the case of illegal aliens, there is still no standing. I guess they should see The John Wayne movie where he says that life is hard and if you are stupid, you are gonna have to be tough.


I agree too that liberals have taken over the justice system and diluted the enforcement process by intimidating officers and agents with fear of civil liability and prosecution. ScottyBoy had some good thoughts on this so I'll just echo those.


If he owns businesses and property that is probably why the lawyahs got the illegals to try to sue. If the law finds in favor of the IAs, then the rancher loses montetarily but our country loses more.


I still principally support the right he has to protect his property and I reject the claim that illegal aliens can sue

for something they incur while committing a crime and not having rights to be here in the first place.

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