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Mr. Jonathan

This is insane...

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Can anyone explain to me how its even feasible that this guy is getting sued? Maybe I'm just too naive but it seems exceptionally illogical that this case would even be considered on behalf of the immigrants. If someone else has already posted I apologize.

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That makes me mad that the illegals can do that. THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS AS AMERICANS :angry:

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Glen Beck was talking about it on his new TV show last night. He's supposed to be interviewing the ranch owner here pretty soon.

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It goes to show you that the country (Ours) is changing rapidly to the left, and so much so that criminals, whether they be terrorists or squatters have certain rights that we ourselves would not.

Doesn't seem to matter much anymore if you have contacted your government representatives or not.

There are too many citizens out there that are basically ignorant, and if it doesn't affect thier own interests, could give a crap. Thank God for guys like Glenn Beck who offer these kinds of scenarios to the public where they would otherwise get buried and not heard.

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this guy's place has been trashed, trespassed, stolen from and his rights have been trampled for decades. now he gets sued by folks who were in the country and on his property illegally, because they say he was rude. they'll probably win. lawyers are gonna have a field day under the new gov't of the obamanation. didn't it say he has helped in the arrest of 12,000 illegals? that's twelve thousand, not hundred. Lark.

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Makes me sick to my stomach, I have an Uncle that works a ranch down there and they have had similar problems for years, he says Border Patrol passes by his house on a daily basis trying to keep up with the traffic through there.


I was thinking the other day that because of the economic issues, little had been said about immigration issues and I had heard that traffic had slowed down because there is no work. We gotta keep tabs on the back door even though the front door is being attacked....

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Crazy topic for sure!!!


On the way home yesterday (or the day before...) they were talking about this on KTAR here in the valley. They had Grant Woods on (former AZ Attorney General...) and of course the obvious question asked of him was; "How in the heck can someone who is hear illegally sue a legal resident???"! Well, strangely enough I guess that they DO in fact have the right to sue! According to the letter of the law, you don't have to be here legally in order to utilize the justice system to sue someone here.


Mr. Woods of course was of the opinion that the case will be thrown-out by any respectible judge, but I guess only time will tell.... It's disgusting and sad that this rancher will have to spend his time and money just to defend the suit though. In addtion to the time he already has to spend protecting his land....





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doubt the illegals came up with this idea on their own. Just another lawyer sucking up valuable air and trying to steal more money.

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this guy is a stud!! they should be paying him and giving him a new truck to drive to "round em up" not suing him???? i am guessing back before evrybody had some sort of "rights" :blink: when you were a cow theif or broke into someones house (cabin)or stole their horse the justice system envolved some form of large tree and rope with a noose and a jumpy horse that ran like the wind when slapped on the hind parts.


funny how if its not in "my back yard" its no big deal but man,after spending some time down south pig hunting i was having more fun glassing up aliens <- (hope that is not to offensive a title i don't want to offend someones "rights")than pigs...lol


i say give the guy a badge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my 2 cents


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I'm guessing but the only two groups that would benefit from this trial and an unfavorable (to Barnett) would be the drug/illegal smugglers and/or one of many "human rights" groups who are very pro illegal. It would be interesting to see who is picking up the tab. Hermanos Direchos, ACLU come to mind.


Haven't heard if its over but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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