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it's about time!

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it is about dang time. how long does it take to see this guy is nuts and will trash anything to get what he wants? i really and truly hope he goes to prison. he'll buy his way out somehow, he always does, but i sure hope he sees some can time. if it weren't for a few "goat assassins" like out buddy bullwidgeon, this could have been even more devastating. what'll hang him is dozing the indian ruins. Lark.




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This is GREAT news! :D :) :D


They should put it to him and make an example out of him!





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The scum bag should have to pay for all the work done to clean his mess up in the saw tooth mtns, and pay for all the cost incured be the game and fish to help the sheep. He has created havoc all over the state the guy thinks he can buy his way through everthing and ask for forgiveness instead of permission like he did in the Southfork area where a family heritige took him on for a nasty battle in court over building a R>V> park a dropping a trailer house on the top of a beautiful canyon. Look at the X DIAMOND RANCH web site and then go to save the ranch sub page. He has a nasty history with most people he deals with or against. I hope they stick it to him GOOD!

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OOPS! I said saw tooth mtns. I meant to say Silverbell mtns. :)

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too bad the charges aren't criminal, because that sob is. what if a guy poached 21 bighorns? be well over $100k just for that. goddard is a puss. plain and simple. he's afraid of johnson, just like he is his own shadow. an AG with some backbone would have charged him with criminal stuff. look what happens to pot hunters. prison. but he can take a bulldozer and destroy ruins and just pay a fine? goddard needs to hear about this. what a punk. Lark.

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The lawsuit was welcome news to environmentalists, who objected to what they saw as Johnson's cavalier approach to land development.


"That makes my Monday!" said Jenny Neely, Southwestern representative for Defenders of Wildlife.


I'm shocked! I can't believe that you boys are agreeing with them tree huggers!



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Apperently you don't know who Goerge Johnson is. Remember all the bighorn sheep that were blinded by domestic goats, those are Johnsons goats. Look at the X Diamond ranch .com web sight and you could read more. He is not a man of good intentions he is a man of evil. :)

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You know, when you spend your life stepping on people's heads on your way to the top, eventually you're gonna be called on it. Too bad it took this long. I wonder what his "legacy" he so desired to have will be now?


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Bowsniper, I was wondering if I was missing something. I guess you got me on that one! :lol:

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