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What a freaking load of crap, and extremely unfortunate for all of us that it just passed. This bill needs to be renamed to reflect what it really is. This is the: INCREASE THE SIZE OF GOVERNMENT LIBERAL GET ELECTED PAYBACK BILL. Otherwise known as The Socialize And Bankrupt America Bill.

The only thing this bill does is stimulate the government. Fasten your seatbelts folks it's gonna be a really rough 4 years.

I'll sign off with this quote from the great Margaret Thatcher - " The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other peoples money"


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easy--he appealed to the the youth and the blacks--the youths have no parenting and the blacks wanted their first president.


:huh: :angry: Try picking up a paper and reading it!!!! Good lord its "African American"!

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God has everything to do with everything. He did not say He wouldn't interfere with the world again, He said He would not judge the world with a flood again, The next time it's fire.

Blacks did not elect Obama, they only helped. The slow poison of secular humanism, Darwinism, Hollywood, higher education dominated by liberal professors and political correctness has been changing the culture and the hearts of Americans for 50 years.

The younger people are the most susceptable, and it was the younger people along with minorities preconditioned for socialism that were the driving force. What is puzzling is the number of older rational people that fell for it as well. Utter confusion, and yes, there are hard times ahead.


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BO has been picked and promoted by the media to be the Obamessiah of the country and the world.


He is now sharing his version of equality or re-distribution of wealth which equates to socialism. The media is helping foster this too.

Take a look at the current Newsweek Magazine cover. Title is "We Are All Socialist Now!"

We are all Socialist now Magazine cover

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Ran across this article and thought it was interesting. I like the line "They found that those with the "views" of parkland and mountain ranges had a greater sense of well-being, clearer thinking, and a greater sense of connection to the natural world." theres our problem right there. to many city folks who don't get out so they don't think clearly :).

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Rembrant - Very well put my friend. Sums it up quite nicely.


And Birddog - are you serious? If so ... pick a f@#king country would ya??? This is America - it's not Africa, it's not Mexico. If you want to live here, GREAT but be an AMERICAN - no hyphen, no adjectives, and leave your backward, bloodstained country on it's own soil.


I have friends who are black, indian (notice the lower case - they're not from India), Indian (yes, they're from India), Scottish, Welsh, German - sorry no friends from Britian, but they do have good manners... point being, the whole "Melting Pot" idea was pretty great early on when other cultures wanted to come join the ONE culture that finally overcame all of that tribal, fudalist-monarchist oligarcyhy crap that had failed over and over again. What emerged was the greatest nation in the history of the world. Now, it seems everyone wants to sleep under the roof of that culture while failing to embrace it and hang on to the very culture they fled. I don't care what anyone's skin color is, their words, actions and deeds tell me whether they are Americans.


Now, this great country that has been the cornerstone of the free world, is in total collapse, and this "Stimulus Program" is nothing more than the very wealthy divying up what's left amoungst themselves before the sh!t hits the fan. Think of the "priveledged" loading life rafts on the Titanic with their prized possessions while the underclass gasps for breath.


I know, I'm ranting, but I'm also watching good friends wonder how they'll feed and house their kids in the years to come, given the severe cutbacks at our already impoverished schools and generally dead economy. Some of these people are teachers (maybe of some of your kids) who are being asked to work for basically nothing, others are struggling small business owners. There's no bailout for these guys. No "golden parachutes". So yeah, I'm ranting, but dang it, I'm pissed.



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Rembrant - Very well put my friend. Sums it up quite nicely.


And Birddog - are you serious? If so ... pick a f@#king country would ya??? This is America - it's not Africa, it's not Mexico. If you want to live here, GREAT but be an AMERICAN - no hyphen, no adjectives, and leave your backward, bloodstained country on it's own soil.


I have friends who are black, indian (notice the lower case - they're not from India), Indian (yes, they're from India), Scottish, Welsh, German - sorry no friends from Britian, but they do have good manners... point being, the whole "Melting Pot" idea was pretty great early on when other cultures wanted to come join the ONE culture that finally overcame all of that tribal, fudalist-monarchist oligarcyhy crap that had failed over and over again. What emerged was the greatest nation in the history of the world. Now, it seems everyone wants to sleep under the roof of that culture while failing to embrace it and hang on to the very culture they fled. I don't care what anyone's skin color is, their words, actions and deeds tell me whether they are Americans.


Now, this great country that has been the cornerstone of the free world, is in total collapse, and this "Stimulus Program" is nothing more than the very wealthy divying up what's left amoungst themselves before the sh!t hits the fan. Think of the "priveledged" loading life rafts on the Titanic with their prized possessions while the underclass gasps for breath.


I know, I'm ranting, but I'm also watching good friends wonder how they'll feed and house their kids in the years to come, given the severe cutbacks at our already impoverished schools and generally dead economy. Some of these people are teachers (maybe of some of your kids) who are being asked to work for basically nothing, others are struggling small business owners. There's no bailout for these guys. No "golden parachutes". So yeah, I'm ranting, but dang it, I'm pissed.



I Have picked a f@#king country and I HAVE SERVED IT PROUDLY!!!!!! :P


Just pointing out the fact that "blacks" is offensive to some members and people that read and never post. Now I see why!


I am done here!

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And thank you for your service - I truly do appreciate it. The point I should have made more tacitly is that our country is in real trouble, and it is time to start dropping all the hyphens and consider ourselves Americans period, regardless of previous cultural identity. I apologize for the "pick a f@#king country" remark - that was probably uncalled for.

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Why do the don't the Dems. just come right out and say it.... instead they really try to play it off as a stimulating bill! :rolleyes: <_< The amounts of money they are talking about these days between the "Bail Outs' and stimulous is going to take generations to pay back!!! There is only, like 3.5 trillion dollars in the Entire U.S. economy.... With this bill (and the previous two) we have created a Deficit Liability that is equal to our Nation's net worth!!!! Why is it that our Government is the most poorly run business in the U.S.????


There are only 300,000 million U.S. citizens...... 900 billion would go a long ways in our economy, if given dirctly to the people, in some way shape or form. If they took all the money... the Bank bailout, the Union (auto) bailout, and this spending bill.... that could really help folks stay in their homes, buy things they need, or even buy things they want.... and the Gov. would be collecting tax on every dollar! Instead they vote to just "give" the money to things that will Never benifit us or our struggleing community's. WE reall need to stop the Bleeding!!


I, for one, think that targeting people who own there own home as the first stop for this Bailout money, and then Small business ( Truely small bussinesses, under 1.5 million gross), and allow the money to truely "trickle down" and saturate our economy. If the Gov. does not wise up we are going all the way to the bottom.... a complete melt down....IMO. <_< Very Sad....


When you read how they are going to spend this it really isn't going to help the middle class out I don't think. As you said there are right around 305,812, 550 people in the country, at least that are counted by the census, 780,000,000,000 would give each person around 2550 dollars, the problem is that most are not taxpayers, between the kids and the non workers, so lets say half for good measure. Now if they was to give out the 780,000,000,000 to the taxpayers it would be around 5,000 per taxpayer, maybe 10,000 per married couple if you file jointly and contribute. Five to ten thousand in the pockets of the contributers to this country would be a stimulus, the money would get turned right back to the economy from people paying off debt if they owe it, people investing if they want to, and people just spending it if they are set. The welfare system is set up with no checks and balances, people get on welfare and figure that they can cheat the system and steal our money for the rest of their lives, they have no drive to better themselves, there are a few that use the system to get back on their feet but for the most part the people on welfare drain the economy, and then they create more people that drain the economy, and now we have a president that thinks that by giving them our money and our taxes he will better the country. Wrong, these people have it in their heads that the country owes them something, they think for whatever reason that they have the right to everyones money simply because they aren't willing to do something on their own to make it better. I say if you want a welfare check show up at the welfare office at about four a.m. in the morning, get on one of them blue buses and ride out to a onion field and work your tail off all day, when you work for a week you will get a check, if your a single mom or dad, the welfare office will make sure your kid or kids are in school, fed during the day, and have medical care ( they already have this for absolutely nothing now), if you don't show up for work, you don't get paid and the state will take your kids and find someone that can tae care of them, the state will still probably pay, but these kids will hopefully learn some values on how to be a contributing citizen, and if losing their kids isn't incentive to get a job throw their butts in jail for child neglect. The people that have no children and have no job, and aren't willing to work can be homeless and if they don't care why should we. That type of work for food program would also lessen the need for the farmers to depend on illegal workers to harvest, kind of kills two birds with one stone. Of course the aclu and other civil rights groups would scream slave labor, but hey if they are receiving, cash, medical, and food, I think that equals to a paying job and they can shut up for all I care. The depression had the new deal which took ten plus years to pull the country out of the depression, and then there was a world war that we were involved in, I hope to GOD that that isn't what we are headed for.


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[Robin Hood] is not remembered as a champion of property, but as a champion of need, not as a defender of the robbed, but as a provider of the poor. He is held to be the first man who assumed a halo of virtue by practicing charity with wealth which he did not own, by giving away goods which he had not produced, by making others pay for the luxury of his pity. He is the man who became a symbol of the idea that need, not achievement, is the source of rights, that we don’t have to produce, only to want, that the earned does not belong to us, but the unearned does. He became a justification for every mediocrity who, unable to make his own living, had demanded the power to dispose of the property of his betters, by proclaiming his willingness to devote his life to his inferiors at the price of robbing his superiors. It is this foulest of creatures – the double-parasite who lives on the sores of the poor and the blood of the rich – whom men have come to regard as the moral idea." ". . . Do you wonder why the world is collapsing around us? That is what I am fighting, Mr. Rearden. Until men learn that of all human symbols, Robin Hood is the most immoral and the most contemptible, there will be no justice on earth and no way for mankind to survive."


Ayn Rands - Atlas Shrugged

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