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Why do the don't the Dems. just come right out and say it.... instead they really try to play it off as a stimulating bill! :rolleyes: <_< The amounts of money they are talking about these days between the "Bail Outs' and stimulous is going to take generations to pay back!!! There is only, like 3.5 trillion dollars in the Entire U.S. economy.... With this bill (and the previous two) we have created a Deficit Liability that is equal to our Nation's net worth!!!! Why is it that our Government is the most poorly run business in the U.S.????


There are only 300,000 million U.S. citizens...... 900 billion would go a long ways in our economy, if given dirctly to the people, in some way shape or form. If they took all the money... the Bank bailout, the Union (auto) bailout, and this spending bill.... that could really help folks stay in their homes, buy things they need, or even buy things they want.... and the Gov. would be collecting tax on every dollar! Instead they vote to just "give" the money to things that will Never benifit us or our struggleing community's. WE reall need to stop the Bleeding!!


I, for one, think that targeting people who own there own home as the first stop for this Bailout money, and then Small business ( Truely small bussinesses, under 1.5 million gross), and allow the money to truely "trickle down" and saturate our economy. If the Gov. does not wise up we are going all the way to the bottom.... a complete melt down....IMO. <_< Very Sad....

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As I have watched the news in the evenings, I have wondered how so many educated economist, politicians, leaders, gurus, what ever you want to call them....how can they not come to a decision? Why is it that they can't agree on what is right for this country.


Why give more money to the money hole that got us here in the first place, we are told not to run up our credit cards, yet our country is flashing that credit card like there is no tomorrow. Stop spending money on the things that aren't essential, reel in the businesses that have gone overseas and put the American people back to work. And I am not talking about the American people who are here illegally.....

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Isn't it basically that simple???? Honestly, isn't it????? If I want to get out of debt, I gotta quit spending money I don't have......



It should be..... :rolleyes:

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That is why they have no rednecks in those seats--we think with common sense. The best thing about us rednecks is we started to learn a few things and now we have these wonderful sites to protest and educate others--they truly fear all of us middle class hard working folks because we are a lot like insurance--you hate to pay for it month after month but they know they are dead with out us.


Not sure how this will play out but i bet there will be a whole lot more of us who lose our butts while the rich get richer and the poor become greater--very sad!

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You are so right, Terry! Just can't understand why we can't find an Edjumacated Redneck to be OUR voice, instead of these Over Educated Jack Wads we got now! <_< :angry:

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As “millions”, “billions”, and “trillions” roll off the tongue so easily these days, it can be difficult to wrap your head around the magnitude of the proposed federal stimulus package. Here are a few examples that may help put the quantities being proposed into perspective.


1 million seconds: ±11.5 days

1 billion seconds: ± 32 Years

1 trillion seconds: ± 31,688 Years


1 million inches = ±15.8 Miles

1 billion inches = ± 15,783 Miles

1 trillion inches = ± 15,782,828 Miles


A stack of one-dollar bills*:

1 million bills: ±358 Feet Tall

1 billion bills: ± 67.9 Miles Tall

1 trillion bills: ± 67,866 Miles Tall

*assuming a dollar bill has a thickness of .0043”


1 million ounces: ±62,500 pounds

1 billion ounces: ± 31,250 Tons

1 trillion ounces: ± 31,250,000 Tons


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1 million ounces: ±62,500 pounds

1 billion ounces: ± 31,250 Tons

1 trillion ounces: ± 31,250,000 Tons



I thinks this illustrates the amount of BS our elected officials are feeding us with these Bailouts/Stimulus!!

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I've sent a few messges, chances are nobody will read them though.


I heard about this website Gaines, glad you posted it....kind of scarey putting an address on there though......they gonna come hunt me down after the comments I made.....'


That millions billions trillions thing is worth sending around to everybody you know, puts things in perspective and just how deep the hole is we are getting ready to dig.....one big deep hole.............specially since we are already in a hole to begin with....

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So I am driving home today, boom passenger window shatters, no cars in front or behind me and an open field to the right, do you think I thought about what I wrote to our ex governor and our President. My letter to the President was respectful, differing ideas, but respectful.


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It all comes down to politicians saying things that Americans want to hear to make them feel better. Obama comes on television and says we will spend 900 billion dollars to "stimulate" our economy, the uneducated or the politically ignorant populace will believe they are being saved. B.S.


If the government wants to save our economy then they need to initiate help programs and safeguards to make sure the things that put us in this mess does not happen again.


Help the average joe, and let these big corporations fend for themselves.





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:blink: time for all these yuppies to get " yes we can.@ we need change" :blink: getting what they deserve. just amazing how the other 50 million of us that did not want this CHANGE are being lumped into this pit fall! just look at our :blink: ex-govenor she sure helped us Az. boys ;) and disappeared. May God help us as I don't think we are at the bottom yet, We all need to pray that God would give the USA grace during this troubled time.

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We elected a communist that is selling us out. This stimulis package will bankrupt us and we will need a foregn bail out. Then we can give up our soverienty and take a gaint step towards a "one world" economy.

We are being so incredibly stupid, that I wonder if God isn't putting this confusion on us. Judgement time.

He's done it before. There are Biblical examples of God causing confusion in opposing armies to the point where they kill themselves. This country is the greatest in the world. we have all the recourses, abilities and smarts that we could ever need - yet we are self destructing.

How in the world did a social organizer turned junior senator, whos never had a real job in his life, become the prsident of the United States?!





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easy--he appealed to the the youth and the blacks--the youths have no parenting and the blacks wanted their first president. I doubt God has anything to do with any of this i think he made it clear the last time that he would not interfere with the world if it goes the way it went when he flooded the earth last time.


People want it easy--he told us all he would make everything better--people hated Bush (not me) and they wanted change--change is what he promised and they drank it like it was water---he will drag this country even further down the tubes but i think when the time comes the real people of this country will step up and make a change to the better.





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