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I just read an article that the sea level could rise 21 feet from melting ice. My question is that if the ice is already in the water doesn't it already affect the sea level, I am pretty simple when I think that if I fill a glass with ice and water and allow the ice to melt the glass doesn't overflow. I suppose that if they are saying that all the ice on top of Antarctica is going to melt and run into the sea it would change the seal level, but is that going to happen? They explained a little about the weight of the ice keeping the land submerged, and when the ice is gone the land will actually rise causing the sea level to rise. The earth's axis will shift and then what will happen, I think if the earth's axis shifts there will be more to worry about than rising sea levels. Another thing, if there is more ice adrift in the sea won't that cause the temperature of the ocean to drop, I mean massive amounts of ice that can raise the seal level by 21 feet is a lot of ice, maybe that will cause another ice age and not the global warming that Al Gore keeps talking about. It didn't say how much closer to the beach we would be and I dont think 21 feet would move anything to much closer to us.

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The basic premise of the rising sea level is because Antarctica and Greenland are solid land above sea level and when the ice on top of them melt, it is the same as adding more water to the glass. As for the riding land theory, it is hard to imagine that the bedrock under the ice would be able to expand. It is not like a sponge that expands when it gets wet, but a solid. The article sounds like some more junk science.

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That is one of the reasons the Owlgores and his lemming "chicken littles" screaming global warming are not doing it any more.

Owlgore and comrades are now preaching "Climate Change" to account for the times when the temperatures moderate and even drop.

Used to be scientists put high's and lows together and called it an average. Now they throw out all but what supports their own belief or research goals and that is the "truth" they pass on.

That's how Owlgore got started and he is leaving that legacy for others to use.

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I suggest we all read a book called State of Fear by Michael Crighton. By far the awesomest person on earth. The whole book is on the BS of Global warming. From what I understand Crighton was anti Global Warming. Quick story about this. Al gore was asked one day what he thought about Crightons anti-global warming sentiment by a reporter. Gore proceded to comment that Crighton should leave that kind of stuff to those whom are qualified to make judgements on that. He said he should stick to he knows... writing fiction. Well for those that dont know heres some of Crightons stats.


Crichton graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College, received his MD from Harvard Medical School, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, researching public policy with Jacob Bronowski. He taught courses in anthropology at Cambridge University and writing at MIT.(taken from his website)


SO anyways point of the story is that in order to understand Global Warming or climate change we need to be like Al to understand it. Gore graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in government cum laude from harvard. I guess its just to simple for me to understand. After all a biology degree isnt that good anymore. I just don't believe it to Al's radical level...What am I supposed to think????

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Scientists say that there could never have been a global flood, like the one described in the Bible, but there surely must have been oceans on mars. :blink:

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That mention of the Bible by Rembrandt makes me wonder if maybe the flood of Moses time was a result of Global Warming.... Wait a minute does that mean Gore is our Moses... Oh God help us please. Scientists are so screwed up when they can't believe in God because they are to pig headed. They can understand few of the most intricate mysteries that few people on the planet can. But, they cannot realize some of the most plain to sight miracles that prove there is a God. Oh yeah and Global Warming sucks.

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