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Obama , with the stroke of a pen has reinstated the "Mexico City Policy"(MCP). This frees up money for "family planning". Am I the only one who thinks the term, family planning, should be changed to what it really is - killing unborn babies? I'd buy it if they called it anti-family planning.

Bush got rid of this policy after Clinton had it in place because having taxpayers paying for abortions is controversial, not to mention he had the balls to stand up for his moral convictions. Not all taxpayers agree with abortions at all, let alone paying for them. And a lot of folks are OK with abortions, but they don't want to pay for them.

But this MCP isn't just about us (the paying taxes part is), nope this money will also go to international groups. That's right; our tax dollars will also buy abortions in other countries. Sounds alot like taxation without representation to me.

Obama is also expected to restore funding to the U.N.Population Fund (UNFPA). Bush had banned that too. Obama has stated, "By resuming funding to the UNFPA, the US will be joining 180 other donor nations working to reduce poverty, improve the heath of women and children, prevent HIV/AIDS and provide FAMILY PLANNING assistance to women in 154 countries." !!!!

Sounds like more taxation without representation to me, and at a time when we really need to be getting our own financial act together.


BTW, you gotta love the Pelosi quote about the MCP, "This will help save lives and empower the poorest women and families to improve their quality of life and their future."

Help save lives and improve futures??!! Whos??? Not the babies.

Since when did having children equate to threatening lives, lowering quality of life, and threatening futures?

What do you value the most in your life?



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rembrant, you ain't lookin' at it in the right way. the dumbocrats know that everything bad is caused by people. if there are no people, there will be nothing bad. no poverty, no hunger, no disease, no global warming, no violence, no guns, etc. and eventually, no people and no abortions. see, instead of good guys killin' bad guys in wars and stuff, we'll eliminate all the problems by killing the totally innocent. they are too little to fight much anyway and it's been proven to be ethical. and they aren't old enough to vote. if they were, then it would be a different story. it's really brilliant. it's a plan that will take awhile to mature, but when it does, no more problems. i'm pretty sure the plan comes from the song "imagine". so it has to be a good thing. obama is gonna save us all. or at least about 52% of the U.S. population thinks so, and that's all it takes to make it true. Lark.

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The Obamessiah is enjoying very high approval ratings but keeping going with his ultra liberal agenda.

Transparency in HIS government and bringing the parties together is what he promised. Aint seen one of these yet.

Sure Bush never saw a spending bill he did not sign until his 6thor 7th year but BO is going for more than all of what Bush signed in one bill. And there is another one in the wings... Estimated at nearly a Trillion again!


BO and his comrades are going after free speech, radio talk show hosts and looks like guns and ammo are on his hit list as well as giving money we don't have to the UN and other nations for something about half the country does not support.... He might as well give Iran a few billion to appease them too.


So far BO makes John Kerry look like a GREAT choice for president.


Say O No

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These are simply signs of the times. Unfortunately it seems like we just can't stop them. This sort of policy is a sad sad thing. I'd be FULLY SUPPORTIVE OF paying for snipin' and clipin' tubes if they "must spend my tax money". Policies like this are just completely sad. QUIT HAVING SEX IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES!!!!!!!!!!!

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The question was what wil the PrezBO do next?


Today he backs down to the Europeon Union when they complained that the US Trillion Dollar spending bill has a clause directing payback ... errr Stimulus recipients "Buy American" with the money.


The EuroWeenies got upset that the US spending bill was supposed to stay in the US. BO caved in faster than a coues can disappear on a hillside.

Biden says BO has a spine of steel and someone is going to test his mettle. Oh Yeah, BO is going to show some backbone when Iran or the other terrorists strike us or threaten to...

If this little test so far is any indication of his mettle and spine, I have to wonder if his spine has a tattoo that says Bluebird.

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Wth? How come thinning out the herd doesnt apply? Theyll just starve if we dont kill em...were doin them a favor.that only applies to what you want to kill? Dont get me wrong im an avid hunter but i dont do it to help the animals, nor do i push my beliefs on Anyone else.


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