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Grandsons First Coues

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Grandson got his Coues mount today was from 10 /22  was a very memorable hunt couldnt wait to take him on his first hunt , he didnt get draw so i signed over my tag , his Great grandpa finally got to go on one of his great grandkids hunts , and it was only a 15 min hunt lol , got to my favorite lil ridge and soo. As we started glassing picked up couple bucks got him set up at 415 yards and squeeze of the trigger he was down ! Last year he had to work all day for  his deer so he knows its not always easy 







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Very awesome! 3 generations hunting together is pretty awesome glad your pops got to be with you and huge congrats to all of you!  Precious memory for sure.

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Too cool... I bet he was super excited to get it back just like my kids have been in the past. Such great memories for all and way to raise them right. Good buck to boot !!

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