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Commissioner Jennifer Martin, NRA, and Baiting

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You guys that are NRA members (even if you are not):


Commissioner Martin has a close association with the NRA, and the NRA opposes restrictions on baiting. I have seen responses from all the commissioners except Commissioner Martin. Please send a quick email to the NRA asking them to contact Commissioner Martin to oppose the bait ban. The email address is: ila-contact@nrahq.org


Here is the email that I sent to the NRA:


Dear NRA:


The Arizona Game and Fish Department is preparing to pass a new rule that would prohibit the use of bait to aid in the taking of big game. This rule would include the use of salt, salt based products, feed, and possibly, depending how the new rule is interpreted, even water.


Arizona Game Commissioner Jennifer L. Martin has a close association with the NRA and has not publicized her position on the bait ban. The commission will meet on April 17, 2009 to vote on the ban. Please contact Commissioner Martin and encourage her to oppose the ban on baiting. Also, please update your NRA-ILA Arizona State Alert page to provide information about this issue to encourage members to contact the Arizona commissioners and oppose this new rule. Contacting the commissioners can easily be done through this link: http://www.azgfd.gov/inside_azgfd/commissi...rs.shtml#carter



Thank you,


Mark Lucas





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Okay what I want to know is what if I were to put salt out in March and lets just say the law passes. Would the salt then be granfathered in because I had set it out before the law passed? Lets just say I put some out 6 months ago and of course the salt is in the ground they are saying I can't hunt there anymore? How far away can you hunt? Just as it goes with bears they like salt but how far away does the bear have to be in order to kill it? Lets say someone puts salt out and someone else see's the dear, bear, pig and shoots it not knowing that the bait was there is it then up to the game and fish to determine if the hunter is telling the truth? Man this is a cluster well you know the rest. <_<

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I have sent emails to all the commissioners, I have received three responses. None were from commissioner Martin, the other three made it pretty clear how they stood. I wonder if everyone else has had the same responses.

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I received this response yesterday:


Hello Mr. MacFarlane,




Thank you for your email.




In compliance with Governor Brewer’s recent directive placing a temporary freeze on all agency rulemaking activities, your comment will be held for review to be considered by the Department once the rulemaking process is resumed.








Celeste Cook




Rules and Risk Unit


Arizona Game and Fish Department


5000 W. Carefree Highway


Phoenix, AZ 85086


Phone: (623) 236-7390


Fax: (623) 236-7677


Email: CCook@azgfd.gov


Website: www.azgfd.gov/inside_azgfd/rulemaking_process.shtml

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Governor Brewer’s Management Directive will do 2 things:


1) The baiting issue will be moved from the April 17 G&F meeting agenda to the June meeting agenda .


2) It will give us two more months to write letters to the commissioners! The public comment period for the rule is over, but I think it is even more effective to write the commissioners! We can keep writing them up until the June commission meeting. Keep it up. One commissioner has already said that he has received comments on this issue than any other issue during his term. Lets get them all so they can say that! If you haven't written them yet, it is very easy to do on the G&F website (link below). If you have already written to all of them, do it again in March, April, May, and June! Lets not let this issue die out until the June meeting.


I saw one email from a commissioner saying that this no baiting rule was not initiated by the commissioners, but by G&F enforcement officers. If this is true, the commissioners are getting lots of heat about an issue they may not care too much about. Keep up the heat so the squeaky wheels get greased.






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