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New gun shop opening in Sierra Vista

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One of my buddies is opening a new gun store down here, figured I'd let you all know.  Grand opening will be next month May 10 and 11. He's got a whole big stack of Rem 700s and a smaller stack of Sig Cross that he will be selling for killer deals.  

He's got a lot of unique stuff that I've never seen or heard of too.  I'll bump the thread closer to the big opening.  Lots of accessories as well.


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5 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

The bigger ones is a 9mn and the small ones a 22.  

Pretty slick! A friend of mine bought a 45-70 one recently, just seeing what were the chances of another one being local. 

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Second pic third rack from left, looks like there is some Winchester model 70 Featherweights also.

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Kev I hope your friend is successful with his new shop.  Always good to have a choice in where to buy shooting stuff.  However, Sierra Vista could do a better job of supporting the existing stores if we had a decent place to shoot.  There are thousands of gun owners in this town, and they seem to buy stuff.  But then they go out to Dry Canyon or the pit, and risk getting in an argument or having some idiot shooting over their head.  Guys have told me they won't go out there by themselves.   This is a result of the public shooting range being horribly mismanaged, and mostly a basket case for years.  Game and Fish knows about it, but won't do anything.  So basically, unless locals want to register their guns on the Army base (I do not), we have nowhere to shoot. 

If the new gun store owner is serious about staying in business, maybe he or she can launch an effort to recall and replace the current officers and board of directors of the S.V. shooting range.   I can pretty much guarantee there will be a lot of support.


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It's on the south side of Fry boulevard couple doors up for where the old U-Haul place used to be.  I think there's a gem shop right next to it. 

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3 hours ago, CatfishKev said:

It's on the south side of Fry boulevard couple doors up for where the old U-Haul place used to be.  I think there's a gem shop right next to it. 

I hope he can carve a niche out and make it a go. Always exciting and scary at the same time starting a business. A storefront is a big commitment with with real overhead.

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Hey guys the grand opening is next Friday and Saturday.  He's gonna have free food and drinks so stop by and check it out.   He also filled me in on what the bonus deals are gonna be those 2 days.  Oh and he said some of you all even already stopped by that saw this post, so thank you for your support!  Just west of the old U-Haul place on fry and right next to the rock / gem shop.  

Remington 700 sps $499
Remington  700 adl $410
Sig Crosses $1150



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Looks like myself, Pickles the wife and Caliche will also be there in and out helping for the big day.  Stop in and say wassup.  

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