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Non-Typical Solutions

Coop Coyote

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On 2/21/2024 at 7:17 PM, Sky Island junkie said:

I would have been having to do some repairs to my shed!

Not if you set a foothold.  Did you move the trap away from barn?  Yote return?

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I still have coyotes coming in pretty regular, I am worried about setting foothold traps because of domestic dogs, inside city limits etc....,....I've heard that it is almost impossible to catch a coyote in the big live traps but I think with enough time I could probably get the coyote to go into one. I have a trapping buddy that said I could borrow one. Our local animal control has done little to help me with the domestic dog issues we have had and honestly, I would rather they took care of those domestics, they have done more damage through the years than the coyotes. I critter proofed my coop about three years ago so it really isn't an issue.

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Honestly I'd set footholds.  I'm no  trapping expert but every video I've watched they go out of their way to make it clear that they don't hurt the animal in any way.... I don't know enough to say whether that's true or not I always just assumed that was just thrown in there to combat that anti-trapping crowd but I really have no idea.  But at the end of the day it's your property and if your neighbor's dog is there getting trapped it's your neighbor's dog's fault as well as the neighbors.  If you catch the neighbor's dog I would just call animal Control and let them handle it.  And then obviously of course if you got a yote send it to see Jesus.

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