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my biggest buck to date

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Once again broken tines will keep me out of boone. I dont regret taking this buck, i thought he was only a 4 x 4 (not including eye guards). Everyday my dad and i were glassing a bowl that had lots of does and fawns. New bucks kept filtering through each day but the biggest buck we saw was in the mid 90s. On the 4th day of the hunt a lion moved into the area, And it was a ghost town. We tried our hardest to find the cat and never did. The 5th day Dec. 31 2008 I decided to change areas. We drove to the northern portion of the unit and it payed off. The drive took longer than i anticipated (a couple wrong turns) and the sun was beginning to shine. Since the sun was up we glassed several canyons on the way to our destination. 8:00a.m. we arrived, parked the truck, grabbed our packs and took off. Trying to sneek into the area with with my Teacher and my student. Three generations sitting there glassing for coues this was an awesome day. When we sat down there was a cedar tree blocking my view of part of the canyon. I picked up 2 does feeding over the top into our canyon. With the rut in full swing i figured a buck would soon show himself. After 15 min. of watching the does I heard 2 bucks blowing at each other. Of course they were in the area that the cedar tree was blocking. I jumped up ran around the cedar tree and there were deer running every where. One doe was primed and 3 bucks were running each other over to get to her. They ran that doe up and down the canyon for 10 min. two of the bucks looked really good but wouldnt stop. Finally the doe went over the top. We could get glimpses of deer but still couldnt see the bucks. I told my dad we need to move down the ridge so we can see back into pocket they ran into, he agreed. I stood up to gather my gear and noticed a buck coming out of the bottom where all the deer had just ran through. I grabbed my 15s and took a quick free handed look. The buck had 4 on each side and looked big. I told cody and dad Im going to take this buck. As I was setting up my rifle my dad found the buck and said "hes boone". I ranged the buck 587 yds and moving fast. I was so excited I couldnt get him in the scope, this hasnt happened in Years. Finally dad says hes stopped I get the scope on him get ready to squeeze and he turns starting to walk straight away. I know my bottom crosshair is dead on at 600 so i move it to the base of his neck and pull. The buck goes down and Im immediately tackled by my son Cody and dad is shouting "Hes boone, hes boone". The bullet hit him center of the spine between the shoulder blades @ 615 yds. When I walked up on this buck I actually had to stop and count the points, Ive never taken anything but 3X3s and a inline 5X5 was a dream i had every night. Just about all of my bucks have broken tines and in the past I have never fixed them but this buck is so unique Im going to put him back together (after hes officially scored). He wont make boone & crocket but i still Have hope. In camp I scored him @ 116 2/8 with 6 5/8 deductions (camp tapes are always longer). This was an incredible hunt for the 3 generations my dad took a 102" 3X3 that had 18" inside spread @ 560yds.I will try to get some of his pics up soon. For the record all 2 of our shots were NOT the first time taking these long range opportunities. We shoot 7mm with Leupold 6.5-20 varmit reticle 140 grain nosler balistic ct. and practice often.









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looks like a Booner to me.


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