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Bush Commutes Sentence of Agents

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OH, are you the media? That is who I was talking about!

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you still ain't splained why it's bush's fault? i listened to one of em's wife on the radio last thursday on my way home and she couldn't say enough good about pres. Bush for pardoning them. i guess she lives in phoenix. said they couldn't wait to thank him in person. she also explained why it takes awhile for them to get out and explained how much easier it will be to get a pardon after they are out. they were cool with the whole thing. if the guys would played it by the book nothing woulda happened to em. they got spooked because there is so much publicity on anything on the border. and they got squeeled on by other officers. bd judgement all around. bottom line is that these guys are gonna be home real soon and they are tickled as heck about it. Lark.

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you still ain't splained why it's bush's fault? i listened to one of em's wife on the radio last thursday on my way home and she couldn't say enough good about pres. Bush for pardoning them. i guess she lives in phoenix. said they couldn't wait to thank him in person. she also explained why it takes awhile for them to get out and explained how much easier it will be to get a pardon after they are out. they were cool with the whole thing. if the guys would played it by the book nothing woulda happened to em. they got spooked because there is so much publicity on anything on the border. and they got squeeled on by other officers. bd judgement all around. bottom line is that these guys are gonna be home real soon and they are tickled as heck about it. Lark.

Were they Pardoned? Yes or No? Are they still Felon's? Yup... Bush should have done the right thing and just Pardoned them... He didn't....


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i still don't get it? you say it's all his fault. i don't think he had a lot to do with any of it. they were convicted in federal court, sentenced per federal law, they were squeeled on by fellow officers, but it's all bush's fault? was he the prosecuter? i paid a fair amount of attention to this case when it wove it's way to conclusion, but i don't remember him have anything to do with it. he let em outta jail, about 8 years early. they have an avenue, that any other convicted felon can also use, to gain a pardon. he could've pardoned em, but he didn't because of the circumstances. but they are dang sure gonna have a party when they get out in a little while. i guess the messiah can pardon em. probably do it on the same day he fixes global warming and takes our guns. Lark.

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i still don't get it? you say it's all his fault. i don't think he had a lot to do with any of it. they were convicted in federal court, sentenced per federal law, they were squeeled on by fellow officers, but it's all bush's fault? was he the prosecuter? i paid a fair amount of attention to this case when it wove it's way to conclusion, but i don't remember him have anything to do with it. he let em outta jail, about 8 years early. they have an avenue, that any other convicted felon can also use, to gain a pardon. he could've pardoned em, but he didn't because of the circumstances. but they are dang sure gonna have a party when they get out in a little while. i guess the messiah can pardon em. probably do it on the same day he fixes global warming and takes our guns. Lark.


Man.. this is crazy... No reason to bring Obama in this.. FOCUS,FOCUS... He had the option to Pardon or Commute... He Commuted didn't Pardon.... They are still Felons.. IMO he should have Pardoned them... Bottom line. IMO it was a pretty Chicken S**T move to only go half way... and yes he did have alot to do with it... He appointed the judges... his buddy Scooter didn't spend a day in the can... for alot more seedy activites.. BUT that is not what this is about...


He Baulked... IMO either Pardon or let them sit. He should have Pardoned. Hey that is just my opinion from reading your posts you seem to be comfortable with the conviction and that is fine.... I just thinks these guys were hung out to dry...



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i still don't get it? you say it's all his fault. i don't think he had a lot to do with any of it. they were convicted in federal court, sentenced per federal law, they were squeeled on by fellow officers, but it's all bush's fault? was he the prosecuter? i paid a fair amount of attention to this case when it wove it's way to conclusion, but i don't remember him have anything to do with it. he let em outta jail, about 8 years early. they have an avenue, that any other convicted felon can also use, to gain a pardon. he could've pardoned em, but he didn't because of the circumstances. but they are dang sure gonna have a party when they get out in a little while. i guess the messiah can pardon em. probably do it on the same day he fixes global warming and takes our guns. Lark.


Man.. this is crazy... No reason to bring Obama in this.. FOCUS,FOCUS... He had the option to Pardon or Commute... He Commuted didn't Pardon.... They are still Felons.. IMO he should have Pardoned them... Bottom line. IMO it was a pretty Chicken S**T move to only go half way... and yes he did have alot to do with it... He appointed the judges... his buddy Scooter didn't spend a day in the can... for alot more seedy activites.. BUT that is not what this is about...


He Baulked... IMO either Pardon or let them sit. He should have Pardoned. Hey that is just my opinion from reading your posts you seem to be comfortable with the conviction and that is fine.... I just thinks these guys were hung out to dry...




Let’s say they get a full pardon and become an officer of the law and shoot someone else and AGAIN try to cover it up. :unsure: As I said before they lied in court and they tampered with evidence. IMO they should not have a clean record for doing so. These are not the kind of people that deserve a clean record.

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jamaro, you sure bush appointed the judge? i'll bet ya different. and do you have a clue what libby was convicted of? these guys were convicted of felonies that involved shooting somebody. they tried to cover up what they were afraid might be a crime. everything i've seen says otherwise. there was probably no crime committed. and if they'da killed the guy they coulda proved he had a gun, which was their claim all along. the crime was the attempt to cover it up. that is why there wasn't a pardon. now they have full use of the courts to try and rectify their situation. something that is a lot easier to do in civilian clothes than in stripes. if they do, fine. i hope they're succesfull. but bush didn't have a dang thing to do with it, other than springin' em from jail.


birdog, i agree, i don't think i'd want em packin' a badge again. and no matter how things turn out, i don't see em ever being policemen of any kind again. and i be real suprised if they would want to. felony convictions carry heavy burdens. you really aren't s citizen anymore. can't vote, can't own a gun, can't even shoot a gun, can't hardly get a job, unless you wanna be a carnie. can't hardly get credit. it's a bad thing to be saddled with and i don't think these guys have done anything that should force them and their families to have to deal that forever. and i really have some heartburn with the fed prosecutors going to mexico, bribing this dope dealer to come back up here with total immunity and paying him 7 figures and expecting him to do anything but lie. and i have some real heartburn with immunity for the other bp agents who aided in the cover up, squeelin' on these guys, and only after they got immunity too. if it's in the cards for them to go through the red tape and quagmire that the appeals system contains and come out with a clean record, that's fine too. that's why we have a court system like we have, if you have the backbone and stamina to see it through, more power to you. it wouldn't have bothered me a bit if W had pardonned em. but he didn't. but he did give em a get outta jail free card and from everything i've read and heard from their families, they are real happy and thankfull for it. i wish em the best of luck and hope the rest of their lives are full of good things. just like i wish for all Americans. Lark.

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For the love of God, Lark, if you have been paying attention to the case pretty closely, I think you'd surely know by know that the UPBP is a FEDERAL AGENCY.. Hence, the men and women who work for the USBP are called AGENTS and not officers! It makes my skin crawl everytime you post it... over and over and over and over.. get it right. We're not cops..We're the USBP.

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it really bothers you that bad to be called an officer? i mean reall, really bad bothers you? ok, officer, officer, officer, officer, officer, officer.................................Lark.


i couldn't help it. toss me a meatball and i'll hit it.....

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Lark, you are a...... oh wait, I almost forgot that this is a "family" site and if I said what I wanted to to you, I'd get my knuckles rapped.


I guess when you get older than dirt, you have nothing better to do with your time than try to sling your lop sided opinions around for everyone to read.. pretty boring if you ask me, but that's all you've done in the 5 years Ive been on this site. Jamaro, I'm with you on this one 100%.


Dont forget to take your Medamusil today, Lark.. Its said to keep the old and senile in working order for the day..

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Naw... I have skin thicker than a rhino's butt... I just get sick to death of reading your diareah of the mouth that spews from your fingers to your keyboard and onto my laptop screen.. I know alot of others feel the same way, I just have the cajones to tell ya... You're like an old heel hound.. all bark with no bite whatsoever. Just an old geezer with absolutely nothing better to do with your day than to cause waves on this site with nothing productive that pertains to hunting at all. Ive said it countless times and I will continue to do so as long as you continue to post your caca..


Your home nurse just called... she needs to change your Depends..

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i don't even know what to say to that. you really put me in my place. sorry i called em officers and not agents. for somebody with rino skin you sure get p!$$y. i'm all for these guys getting outta jail. i just sick of folks and the bush bashin'. especially when it is plain lies. he did plenty that he deserves to get yelled at over. this ain't one of em. one o' these days maybe we'll meet and you'll have a chance to form a different opinion. boy. Lark.

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i don't even know what to say to that. you really put me in my place. sorry i called em officers and not agents. for somebody with rino skin you sure get p!$y. i'm all for these guys getting outta jail. i just sick of folks and the bush bashin'. especially when it is plain lies. he did plenty that he deserves to get yelled at over. this ain't one of em. one o' these days maybe we'll meet and you'll have a chance to form a different opinion. boy. Lark.


Lies??? He Commuted didn't Pardon.. Where is the lie???


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