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Bush Commutes Sentence of Agents

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Thank God!! I was really cussin' him for pardoning a bank embezzeler and that rapper who had all those drugs, yet nothing was done for these guys who were on the job, doing thier job!!!!! Way to go, GW!!!! You Finally did something good in these last days of your term!!!!



I pray that these guys and their families get their lives back and move on with life! ;)

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Unfortunately, it was not a pardon, so they still have the felony record.



That is Crap!!! <_<

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Perhaps BO will give them the Pardon they deserve?



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why is this "bush's mess"? he didn't have anything to do with the trial. get over it. you got your guy in the oval office and he is going to take away more freedoms and guns and tax us worse than anyone in history. but you're gonna get what you wanted, i guess, or i'm sure you wouldn't have voted for him. and remember what i just said. but get over the blame bush crap. the fact is, if they didn't try to cover things up, they wouldn't have gotten into any trouble. in fact, if they'da killed him, they probably would still be working, because then they could have proven he had a gun and he couldn't have come back up here and give the liein' butt testimony that he did. they tried to cover stuff and so did some other BP guys. when the whole thing blew up the other BP guys squeeled on em in court with the guarantee of immunity. shooting the guy was no big deal, it was the attempted cover up. i agree that the sentence was too harsh. that's what you get when you have mandatory sentencing. the judge had no other recourse. and i really disagree with immunity for their fellow officers (and it was their testimony that sank em) and i dang sure disagree with not only immunity and pretty much celebrity status for the dope dealer that they had to go to mexico and find and give him a buncha money and total immunity from prosecution so he would come back and testify. and his testimony was probably all a lie. but if the guys wouldn't have done what they did, we wouldn't be talking about it. i agree with the commutation, but i would also whole heartedly agree with a pardon. but they commited crimes. in the scope of the rest of the world, not really big crimes either, but because they got spooked and tried to shine things up some and because of mandatory sentencing laws, they really got pounded. i also believe that what happened to these two guys (and pretty good guys too) had a lot to do with why the BP officer in southern Az wasn't convicted on similar charges. not enough jurors bought the testimony of illegal aliens. if he'da had fellow officers testify against him, he'd got hammerd too. so maybe at least one good thing came out of it. i wonder if bush got in a last minute pardon for the guy who shot the elk in the subdivision in showlow and for kirt darner? :P Lark.

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Don't you get it... Bush could have just said... I pardon them... then it is a done deal... He said I commute them... So... They have to stay in two more months AND they are still felons...



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don't you get it? they broke the law by trying to cover up something that spooked em. he coulda left em there. and completely justifiablely too. but he didnt', did he? heck, why didn't he let charlie manson out? they can still get a pardon after they do their probation. i could have agreed totally with a pardon, but he didn't give em one and i didn't have a say in it. but he still let em outta jail and i guarantee YOU that THEY are real happy about it. maybe your man obama will pardon em tomorrow. just to show everbody who's boss. Lark.

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Don't you get it... Bush could have just said... I pardon them... then it is a done deal... He said I commute them... So... They have to stay in two more months AND they are still felons...




No... I guess I don't get it. They lied in court. They tampered with evidence. IMO they should not have a clean record for doing so. I am not going to argue with you about what they should have gotten. But what I dont understand is how Bush gets blamed for everything. The man does a good thing and gets bashed.

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They bash him because he is a "REPUBLICAN"! Had he been a "DEMOCRATE" he could do no wrong! Ask the media they are alway up rep. butts but the dems are always right! It makes me sick how they drag sh** out on one party but cover the other parties SH** up! If you support BHO you can give your guns to a none supporter and side with the "Anties"

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They bash him because he is a "REPUBLICAN"! Had he been a "DEMOCRATE" he could do no wrong! Ask the media they are alway up rep. butts but the dems are always right! It makes me sick how they drag sh** out on one party but cover the other parties SH** up! If you support BHO you can give your guns to a none supporter and side with the "Anties"


FOR ME YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WRONG... I could care less of there political affiliation, just do a good job.... If the president succeeds then the country succeeds... Do you thing Ramos and Compeon(spelling?) care who is in office? They just want to go home.


Do I wish that Bush was successful? Heck yes. Do I wish these guys were pardoned? Heck yes, he is the "decider". What good does it do to have these guys behind bars for two more months??



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