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09 Archery Javelina

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Friday seemed like a good day to go out to take a break from a hectic week and go hunting. I woke up at 4:30 to start my drive. I got to the spot right before sunrise and started looking for pigs. I hiked and glassed a bunch of canyons and drainages until about 2 right after lunch I got into them. I made my stalk down and around some thick cat claw to get to the pigs. As I got closer I smelled them so I knew I was close. When I looked down to plan my next few steps I heard a snort really close to me. I slowly look up and there is a Javelina broadside right in front of me in some thinner brush. His vitals were exposed so I draw back and put my pin 2 or 3 inches back from the middle of the white collar. I release clean and watch my arrow do the rest. I hit clean and the pig runs off. I look to where I hit the pig and see pinkish blood, that was a good sign. I find my arrow about 10 ft behind where I hit the pig. The arrow also looked good. So I start part 2 of archery hunting, finding the animal I hit. With my past pig experiences in mind, I have not had the most fun time tracking pigs so I proceed with close attention to detail. I follow the trail 20 yards to the top of the hill following tracks and blood. I wait another 15 minutes on top the hill and glass around to see if I could find him. No luck so I keep tracking. I make my way down the hill and find a a bunch of spray on rocks and then I huge smear on the ground. I look 4 feet in front of that and there is my pig. I looked at his teeth and they were pretty chipped and worn down, I am going to take pictures of the teeth to see if anyone can help me age it because it think it is a pretty old guy. Thanks for reading.


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Awesome story and congratulations on your pig. They make great sausage. I'm still hoping to connect on my pig yet. Thanks for sharing. Christains right, the hat difinitely has to go. :D



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