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I Guess this might be "Other Big Game"

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I've hunted other states where people use llamas as pack animals. The hunters put so much blaze orange on them it isn't even cute. They say they still come up on people at the ready with their rifles from just the noise. Incredible.

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A couple of summers ago we were pushing some miles on the Arizona Trail - rim country. We had seen a sign posted " AMBER ALERT" . Turns out it was a message advising that Amber had gotten loose on a pack in Trip for some girl scouts. We pushed another mile or so and came around the corner and saw this. I must say at first glance , ELK is what came to my mind. The animal kinda moved in a circular motion and eventually wandered off. We tried to get close, but the dogs made it nervous. Further down the trail we met up with the folks trying to re-claim the llama. They eventually did and the Amber Alert was cancelled. :lol:




Another true story from the Arizona Trail...



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