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Layoff's have begun!

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Thats because all that bailout money goes to the big banks, mortgage companies and Corporations that helped put us in this crisis to begin with. They want to keep that Wall Street money flowing, instead of helping us little people that help build this country.


I don't want to be negative, but we have not even seen the worst that is yet to come. But wait!, Obama is our elected savior :lol:



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In the past few weeks I have had 11 close friends and family members lose there job due to layoffs. :angry:


Looks like it's getting worse, when will it end? :unsure:

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Well the hit finally came today. You are thinking it could happen, but never really believe it. Never been laid off before. And dont look forward to looking with the way the economy is. This sucks big time, I really am in shock and dont know what to do.

Funny thing is I had a job three months ago that will never have a layoff but was very unhappy, found one I thought I would be happy at and got laid off. Crazy world we live in. Thank God for family and fiends to help keep your spirits up.

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Well the hit finally came today. You are thinking it could happen, but never really believe it. Never been laid off before. And dont look forward to looking with the way the economy is. This sucks big time, I really am in shock and dont know what to do.

Funny thing is I had a job three months ago that will never have a layoff but was very unhappy, found one I thought I would be happy at and got laid off. Crazy world we live in. Thank God for family and fiends to help keep your spirits up.



Good luck to you. Keep your head up! What do you do for a living? Maybe someone here knows of an opening you never know.


My prayers are with you and your family.

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Well the hit finally came today. You are thinking it could happen, but never really believe it. Never been laid off before. And dont look forward to looking with the way the economy is. This sucks big time, I really am in shock and dont know what to do.

Funny thing is I had a job three months ago that will never have a layoff but was very unhappy, found one I thought I would be happy at and got laid off. Crazy world we live in. Thank God for family and fiends to help keep your spirits up.



Good luck to you. Keep your head up! What do you do for a living? Maybe someone here knows of an opening you never know.


My prayers are with you and your family.


Thanks for the comments. I have worked in food production for 15 years. 14 of it making ice cream, wich added a few pounds I must say. I really miss eating it every day. Thanks also for the prayers, nothing like hard times to reaffirm your faith.


This blows my theory of waiting til the last day to drop my apps in (on the top of the pile).

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We can blame the Republicans and we can blame the Democrats all we want, but the only ones to blame with this mess is all of us. We let every corporation send every job overseas to save money and now no one has any money to buy all the Chineese made crap. When was the last time you bought anything made in America? I have always tried to buy only American made merchandise. Well that is over, I can not find hardly a damned thing made in the U.S.A. any more. We have become a nation of consumers and we don't make anything any more. After years of buying rat jap cars and trucks and sending your money to other countries and thinking, well it doesn't affect me. Well guess what it's affecting you now. Every time you bought a shirt made in India or a pair of shoes made in Korea it affects you. Now after many years of Walmarts low prices we are paying the price. Think about every time you save a dollar by buying a cheaper item made overseas you put an american out of work. Now after years and years of saving that dollar we don't have that dollar to spend because we have eventually sent all of the jobs out of the country.


You have heard of TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS, well this is the true affect of it.











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My wife had to help lay some people off and it is the worst thing for her to have to do. My company is not doing well and something is going to be announced tomorrow. Who knows what they'll say. Either we're sold or are closing soon. :blink: :huh: :o :angry:

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I am not a Republican or Democrate and you can hate Obahma all you want but the fact of the matter is that 8 years ago you had more money in your 401K and a job. The country had a surplus of money and it was Bush and the republican run House and Senate that let the billionairs screw this country like never before and put us in this mess. Now I can't understand how any one who makes an hourly wage can be behind any group that stole your money, gave billions in bonus money and then had the gall to ask and get 800 billion more. I hate the Republicans for what they have done to this country, but don't get me wrong I hate the left wing liberals also. As long as there is no middle ground to work with we are going to be in this mess for years.

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We laid off 9 people today. That makes 26 since end of November. My company is making us take a 5% pay cut. They are suspending 401k matching until further notice. I guess I'm lucky to still have a job but another longtime employee got a years severance and they are paying his insurance for a year.

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