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Guest Ernesto C

My unbe....Sonora Exp.Part 2

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Guest Ernesto C

Went back to Sonora for laaast try at the monster buck I saw there a couple of weeks ago.The last try of this year of course.


Friday morning went to the same canyon were we saw him two weeks ago,we spot (my wife and I) several does,a couple of small bucks and 14 javelinas.It was around 4:00 pm when my wife told me she saw a deer moving on the brush,she pin point the area for me and I look and look for deer with my 15X60's but nothing;then about 10 minutes later,about 20 yards form where she was telling me I saw a buck and this were my exact words I told her:honey,I found a buck but I think is 3 point mule deer the buck move behind a tree and two does came out running form the tree but I noticed that the does were white tails so I took a good look at the buck again and .............Holly cow,it's the same buck I saw two weeks ago!! We found it,we found it!! I told my wife,that's the one I want!!.I couldn't believet,it was the same buck and in the same canyon and alomost in the same spot were we found him tow weeks ago!

We watch them for a while,they were not moving,they were to far for a shot about 650 to 700 yards,to far for me to shoot.

Then the buck it seem interested on a doe,he started to follow/chase her hard,they were walking paralell to us,in another words they were not getting any closer or any further;it looks like they were moving to the same spot were I was trying to shot him two weeks ago so my and my lovely wife back up a little and hurried to the hill were I wanted to shot him before and believe it or not we get to teh exact same rock where I was goint to shoot a couple weeks ago!!! what are the odds of that??

Set up my binos and we look at them one more time,very,very symetrical,no doubt in my mind that he's a B&C buck;still walking parallel to us but getting closer.I noticed that the buck started to act like if he was nervous,he keept looking and looking behind him,and some times the does were doing the same thing,the buck wanted sometimes to chase the does but something had his attention and he keept looking behind him.I was thinking that maybe there was another buck trying to steal his does from him but I couldn't find anything;now they are about 350 to 400 yards from us but getting closer.Then the buck ran and lefth the does behind him,he stop and turn completly to look back,suddenly!! the buck bolt and ran and the does following him,they were running fast like if something spuke them! At this moment my jaw is in the ground because I couldn't believe they were running away from my and my opportunity at my dream buck was banishing.I was trying to figure out what we did wrong when then I saw why they ran.............MOUNTAIN LION!!!! There was a BIG mountain lion following them!! What?!?!! I coulnd't believet! there is a mountain lion there I told my wife.

My buck dissapear in the distance but the lion stopped and bedded down,we watched the lion unitl it got dark and went back to the truck;Amazing!!


Saturday morning went back again to the same canyon,spoted several does and javelinas but no sign of "my buck".Found two bucks together,the two of them were 3 pointer but one was really nice,long G2's but he had no comparison at all with the one we found the day before,he probable will score 90 inches.Then another 3 pointer joint them and they started to fight;later on one of the buck went in a different direction and two of the bucks came directly at us,we had them about 150 yards below us,I feelt really tempted to shot the big 3 pointer but the image of "my dream buck" was still in my mind so I let him go.


That's the end of my great Sonora experience,we had a great time.I feel really lucky because one of my dreams became a reality,that was to hunt Sonora.Also I enjoyed the company of my lovely wife and with her sense of humor I never felt tired,I really missed hunting with her because we haven't together the last two years.

Hopefully I will get to go to Sonora again next year,I just hope the lion does not get the buck before than me.


Take care every body.God bless you all.


Ernesto C.

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That's great that you finally had the opportunity to see your dream buck once again. If you never get him I guess it's not meant to be, I mean a lion messed it up this time, that's unreal. Keep after him, I'm sure you'll have a pic of him next time.

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Great follow-up post Ernesto. Give you credit for not taking a low percentage shot at the buck running from the lion! Glad you had the chance to go again. I guess you got your gun fixed?


A wife that hunts? There are a few of them, but I would have to say they are as rare as a 120" plus coues buck. Keep a hold of her!

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Wow Ernesto! What a hunt! Sure would like to see a photo of that big rascal, preferably on the ground B) . At least you have something to look forward to next year. What a rush!!



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Sounds like you had a great and memorable hunt with you wife alongside. Were you more excited about relocating the big buck or seeing the lion?

What are the regulations about hunting/shooting lions in Mexico?


Doug ~ RedRabbit

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You are truly a blessed man Ernesto!


Seeing that big boy AGAIN! Most of us never see a big boy like that let alone with tag in hand!


Your wife hunting with you!


Hunting in Mexico twice in one season!


I could go on and on......





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Guest Ernesto C

Thanks every one for their comments,I really had and awesome time on that hunt.


az4life, yes my gun was fixed and yes my wife also loves to hunt,she's deadly with the 357 Mag. so you know what that means,I dont want te get her mad at me :angry:


Scott,while I was watching the big buck and the big lion this were the words I told my wife: "Where are my friends when I really need them? Where is Danny Howard(coueselk) Amanda or Scott Adams so they can take pictures?? I wish they be here with me now or at least one of them,some pictures will be nice"


Doug,to tell you the truth,I was/am more excited to see the big buck again, than seeing the lion. Some people say that seeing a lion in the wild is like wining the lottery so I gues I'm a millionare now B)

I personally do not know the law about hunting lions in Mexico but I'm working on it,two weeks ago when I was there we got to see lion tracks and the owners of the ranch have seen the lion before and they know first hand the damage the lions does to deer and cattle specially the new borns.


More D,yes!! I'm really blessed and praise the Lord for that.God bless you to my friend.

You know something that I really missed a lot on this hunt was a pair of radios,so the good news is that my beloved wife she already give me the ok to buy them,so yyou are right,I'm truly a blessed man. :D


Take care every body and God bless.


Ernesto C.

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Ernesto, Your note about being a millionaire was in jest I am sure. Reading your posts over the many months lets me know you are not really interested in monetary rewards. You have your eye on long term "rewards". B)


Just an Amazing story!

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Wow, great story! I am really glad to hear that you got to go back. sounds like you had a great time! I probably would have dusted that lion! or at least hurled some lead ! Awesome restraint. To bad about the shot opportunity, but look at it this way '' if it was easy we would probably give it up''. That is what makes trophy hunting so challenging. The fact that we never know what the outcome will be!. I am glad you made it back safely and had a great time with your Wife. Maybe we can get together and do some coyote calling sometime.I have been on a bit of a roll lately!Talk to you later Rich Thompson

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