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John O


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So last year I was able to fill my Javelina HAM tag with my .357 magnum. I figured it was time to try something different, so I bought a PSE bow, and started practicing for 2009. I spent 4 hard days trying to fill this tag, with very few pigs located. In the processs I shot just under a nice two point buck at 68 yards (ARRRRRHH!), so I felt that even if I didn't get a javelina, that I had nice opportunity for a buck. On my last day out I was hammered, so I found the easiest ridge to hike to, and decided to glass for deer for the afternoon. Low and behold, 30 minutes later a huge herd of pigs started feeding right into me. I couldn't believe it! After two shots missed by the little buggers jumping string on me, I shot one at 10 yards quartering away. I know I hit him good, but there was absolutely no blood. I found the arrow, covered with blood, and knew I would be there until I found him. I marked the arrow location with a piece of TP, so I could reference it, and started walking circles, bigger and bigger, until I finally found a streak of blood 150 yards from the arrow! Go figure. The blood trail was only about 20 feet long, and then nothing. The trail was headed down a steep hill, so I decided to just head down, and then I finally heard him in the very bottom. My little prayer was answered, and I found him. It took 3 arrows to finish him off! Turns out my first shot was a little high, just below the spine. Pound for pound these have to be among the toughest critters on the planet. My big thanks go out to the man upstairs for helping me locate this big guy. He weighed 35 lbs dressed and skinned. Sausage a comin!!!




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Sweet! :D



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