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my brothers FIRST coyote

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well my brother called me and wanted me to take him out coyote calling, he has never shot a coyote and has had the itch. he's went with me before, and for what ever reason has never got the job done, last winter i took him out and had a nice dog in to 30 yards, me and my 7 year old was sitting under a cedar, i had my 223 on the coyote, but was waiting for my brother to shoot, and he never did so i finally shot the dog and ask why he didnt shoot and i guess from his angle were the coyote stopped he was behind a tree. Well anyway we went out this morning and very first stand i had him set up about 30 feet up and to my left with my 12 gauge, and i sat back with my 223, we set up on a nice rolling cedar/pushed cedar draw, you could see for quite a long ways, tall yellow grass, it just looked great, right at daylight, anyway about 2 minutes into the stand i could see a coyote coming at us from about 800 yards out, i tried and tried to get my brother's attention and never could, i just kept watching the dog come in, so i got my 223 on him and had him in the cross hairs for a long time. anyway at about 40 yards my brother finally seen him and raised my shotgun, and the coyote came to a dead stop (he was aon a pretty good run) and looked at him, and i waited and waited, and waited for him to shoot, i couldnt figure what the heck was going on, and finally he shot and rolled the dog. his very fist coyote. It was pretty cool, but i guess the safety was on and so he pulled the trigger then pulled it harder and harder and finally figured out how to take it off and roll him, he was lucky i had patience this morning! anyway before the day was done we ended up with 3 dogs and 1 cat, hope you enjoy





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Good job Tommy but hey, dont you have a camera?? field photos will be great, just dont buy one of those disposable cameras ;)


Ernesto C

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