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Need Gun Safe

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I really need to step up to the pump and get a safe

I know what I like but just do not have the money :(

Does anyone know of, or have a safe I may be able to afford?

I am not one to buy a pair of Tasco's just to replace them next year with Swaro's


No Casey, you Dads gun case he built in High school will not cut it ;)

Already have one of them my Sister bought me a few years back that I never put a gun in.


Thanks Folks ;)

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I dont know your budget bud the Cannon and American Eagle are at $799.00 They both are fire proof at 1200 or 1500 degrees and up and they hold 16 guns plus shelfs for pistols,ammo etc.


Ernesto C

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I just got mine delivered last week from Safe City AZSAFES.COM in Mesa. I absolutely love it! The point you made about buying cheap just to upgrade later is very true with safes. Most people out grow their first safe and have to upgrade later. Buy bigger than you think you need, they fill up quickly!

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One thing I learned the hard way is that the combination dials take much longer to open and are more difficult to see the numbers in the dark. If you plan on keeping any of your home defense guns in your safe then forget the combo dials and go with an electronic style keypad. You can program those combos to what ever you want and they are much easier and quicker to get into in the event you need some fire power!


Check on ebay. Believe it or not there are some good deals there even after paying for shipping.

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Just a reminder about safes. But I don't think you all will need it. They are no good if you leave them unlocked! I have to remind my dad ALL the time about that. Just now I got a call from my parents alarm company saying the alarm was set off, Its usualy means they left a door unlocked and the dogs got in and thats what happened, want to go turn it off and found my dads safe wide open. :unsure: I'm starting to wonder if my guns will be safer here at my place without a safe.

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Another option would be the key/lock style safes. My wife bought me one for Christmas last year since we could not afford anything else. We have kids so some sort of safe was a necessity. I have no issues with mine. I think it holds 6 or 7 long guns on the right side and the left side is all shelving for pistols, ammo and whatever gear you can fit. I obviously haven't tried it, but I can't imagine this safe can be broken into either, even with a crowbar. It's very solid and the locking mechanism is well designed.



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