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My Lion Story

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I mentioned this story in my recent post about my archery coues buck and some of you requested that I tell it so here goes...


I had just lost sight of the 95'' 3x4 coues buck that I had put an arrow through about an hour earlier. After hitting the buck I watched him run across the other side of the small bowl I was in. He stopped under a tree and stood there for 15 minutes before a doe came running by him. He put his nose to the ground and started chasing after her as if nothing had ever happened. They disappeared over the far side of the bowl so I started blood trailing him. There was a lot of blood in the beginning but it quit about 80 yards shy of the tree he had stood under. I made my way to the tree but there was no blood there. NOT GOOD! I made my way in the direction the buck had chased the doe over. While looking over into the next draw where the buck had gone I heard a doe snort across the other side. I had been walking around with an arrow nocked so I raised my glasses to look for the deer making the snort while still holding the bow with the arrow nocked.


Ok, so your asking yourself what does this all have anything to do with a lion??? Well I'm about to tell you...


While looking through the binos I got this feeling that something was standing to my right staring at me. I slowly lowered the binos and turned my head to find a lion standing 5 FEET from me with a look on his face like holy crap, where did you come from? Well I was thinking the same thing he was! I wasted no time clicking the release onto my loop and started to draw back. About halfway back the arrow fell off the rest from all that shaking I was doing so I let back down slowly. I decided to stop messing around and went for my pistol on my hip (since I was a mile from Mexico I always have it with me). In all my nervousness I couldn't even get the dang pistol out of the holster and in trying to do so I made the lion nervous enough that he spun around putting his back end to me with his head spun around looking at me! Now your mine I thought as I put the arrow back on the rest! I drew back and put the pin on his left rear quarter because of the angle thinking the arrow would pass through to the opposite side front shoulder. I released and SMACK, hit him right where I was aiming! The only problem was the arrow only penetrated about 3/4'' and I watched the lion run off with with the arrow sticking out of his hip. There was only 15-20 minutes of light left by this time so I came back the next morning starting out glassing the area. I glassed up the buck I had hit chasing a doe as fast as a deer can run. Later I returned to the area of the lion encounter to find nothing.


That day without a doubt will go down as one of the most exiting days I've ever spent in the field but a day that will also always haunt me.

I hope you enjoyed the lion story, thanks for reading!

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That is some of the most craziest things i have ever heard i would Sh#t myself if ever encountered a lion that close to me. Well anyways thanks for the story hope you smack your deer. Thats good that you saw him running i had a similar encounter with a huge buck and stuck but never found him maybe he is still out there chasing does just like your buck.

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What an experience. I believe this is the type of thing that can only happen during bow season.



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That's one cool story shorty! Thanks for taking the time to write it down for us.



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I Know what you mean by being haunted and excited by a day like that.

Lion at close range... been there done that!


Glad you are okay.

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This is what piss me off as a hunter taking shots that they should be doing!. Now you have lost a deer and a lion and they both get to die a slow death GREAT JOB!!! Hey maybe I need to give Game and Fish to your email and see if you have a lion tag??? I love hunting and I hate hearing about unethical shots, the cat had his back to you, and were did your deer go, nothing said!



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  Grayghos said:
This is what piss me off as a hunter taking shots that they should be doing!. Now you have lost a deer and a lion and they both get to die a slow death GREAT JOB!!! Hey maybe I need to give Game and Fish to your email and see if you have a lion tag??? I love hunting and I hate hearing about unethical shots, the cat had his back to you, and were did your deer go, nothing said!

Great post dipstick. You have no idea what kind of shot he took at that deer and whether it was unethical. You have no idea where the deer was hit and whether or not he will die. He shot a lion at 5 feet. Most anyone would have done the same thing. I love hunting and I hate hearing about knuckleheads like yourself who sit back in their ivory towers talking trash about people who made shots that turned out less than perfect. Seriously doubt you've never made a bad shot, or put an arrow somewhere other than where you intended to.

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  Grayghos said:
This is what piss me off as a hunter taking shots that they should be doing!. Now you have lost a deer and a lion and they both get to die a slow death GREAT JOB!!! Hey maybe I need to give Game and Fish to your email and see if you have a lion tag??? I love hunting and I hate hearing about unethical shots, the cat had his back to you, and were did your deer go, nothing said!



Where has this site gone! :( What a bummer

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A little grace goes a long ways.


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Great story, what an encounter. Too bad about your trophies.


As for the fella with the negative comments, I once read, " don't worry about the stick in your brothers eye, when you have a log sticking out yours!" What's in your closet??????


This site is for us to associate with others with similar interests, not beat each other up when given the opportunity. Grace does go a long way.


Thanks for the post.



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Gotta love it when a dingleberry that has been a member for awhile and only has a few posts decides that his next meager offering is to slam someone who actually contributes to the site!! Someone needs to learn some proper grammar as well I do believe!! :unsure:

I think that that is a cool dang story and personally would have killed that lion and my camo pants with a poo bomb at 5 feet !! :lol: :blink: Thanks for sharing the story!! ag

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