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My Lion Story

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shortpants, it happens it's ok, i got your back. grayghos

just had his thong to tight :o

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As for the fella with the negative comments, I once read, " don't worry about the stick in your brothers eye, when you have a log sticking out yours!" What's in your closet??????


Yeah I read that too. It's a direct qoute from Jesus.

please indulge me in a poem:




‘Tso easy to find fault in someone,

When that guy’s not the man in the mirror.

And when the blame is aimed at Yours Truly,

The accusations seem so unclear.


I can see the speck in my brother’s eye,

But not see the spear through my head.

And shoot those arrows and flaming darts,

But not notice I’m spiritually dead.


So when I’m the target of all that blame,

Shall I throw it back and see,

If the words can hit mark and penetrate,

A person who thinks just like me?


Or maybe consider the words of a man,

With an outward vision so clear,

Who can spot MY speck from a hundred yards,

When his own plank is nailed to his ear?


Maybe the God who loves me so,

Has sent this man to my aide?

For if it is God who is searching my soul,

Of what shall I be afraid?


Perhaps I should take a good hard look,

At what he don’t like in me,

For if, through the fear, I can see it,

I just might be set free!



Michael Fabritz 2008




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Wow, that's a great lion story! The hair on the back of my neck stood up, thanks for sharing!


My story isn't near as exciting as yours, but here's my archery lion. I was on an adreline high from when I first saw the cat, shaking like a leaf, until hours later that afternoon!


Jason's Lion


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wow what an experience! definately one to make you puker up



Good job going to look for your deer and going back the next day!


Looks like you tried very hard to find your quarry and did the most ETHICAL thing!!!

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Thanks for sharing a great experience, very very few have been in a situation like that.

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  Grayghos said:
This is what piss me off as a hunter taking shots that they should be doing!. Now you have lost a deer and a lion and they both get to die a slow death GREAT JOB!!! Hey maybe I need to give Game and Fish to your email and see if you have a lion tag??? I love hunting and I hate hearing about unethical shots, the cat had his back to you, and were did your deer go, nothing said!





There are other sites if you want to flame on someone..... Acting like a hemroid on here will make you no friends and frankly, we don't want to hear it.


You are obviously not a bow hunter... or rather not around bowhunting enough to know anything about what happened to Shorty or to the critters in the story. That Cat was sore for a day or two from the bruising and basically a superficial wound that is much cleaner than a bite or a puncture from a sharp stick. And as for the buck... if you spend time a field hunting anything at all, you will eventually fall victim to a similar deal. By the story it is very probable that the buck jumped the string and the hit was a flesh wound of some sort.... a flesh wound generally starts with a weak blood trail and then either stays weak or gets heavier, and then just simply fades away to nothing. Flesh wounds from arrows often simply close up and heal, unlike a flesh wound from a bullet that creates a hole and allows air bourne bacteria access to the wound. We have observed antelope bleeding out both sides of their necks rutting does all season long, and then fully recover with nothing more than a scare to prove that they survived it. And to ASSume that Short was unethical in his actions and to blindly attack a guy that is sharing a story, that likely will never happen again in his lifetime is just, Crap. Is the story only worth telling in your eyes if there are trophy photos to go with it??? We all have our high and low moments when hunting.... we live for the highs and often are just searching for a pat on the shoulder or a nod of understanding on the low days.




Both stories were great and thanks for sharing! I am real sorry that you got hosed on the fairytail ending, but that was one helluva day on the mountain... win, lose, or draw! Next time..... there might always be a next time. ;)

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  Coues 'n' Sheep said:
  Grayghos said:
This is what piss me off as a hunter taking shots that they should be doing!. Now you have lost a deer and a lion and they both get to die a slow death GREAT JOB!!! Hey maybe I need to give Game and Fish to your email and see if you have a lion tag??? I love hunting and I hate hearing about unethical shots, the cat had his back to you, and were did your deer go, nothing said!





There are other sites if you want to flame on someone..... Acting like a hemroid on here will make you no friends and frankly, we don't want to hear it.


You are obviously not a bow hunter... or rather not around bowhunting enough to know anything about what happened to Shorty or to the critters in the story. That Cat was sore for a day or two from the bruising and basically a superficial wound that is much cleaner than a bite or a puncture from a sharp stick. And as for the buck... if you spend time a field hunting anything at all, you will eventually fall victim to a similar deal. By the story it is very probable that the buck jumped the string and the hit was a flesh wound of some sort.... a flesh wound generally starts with a weak blood trail and then either stays weak or gets heavier, and then just simply fades away to nothing. Flesh wounds from arrows often simply close up and heal, unlike a flesh wound from a bullet that creates a hole and allows air bourne bacteria access to the wound. We have observed antelope bleeding out both sides of their necks rutting does all season long, and then fully recover with nothing more than a scare to prove that they survived it. And to ASSume that Short was unethical in his actions and to blindly attack a guy that is sharing a story, that likely will never happen again in his lifetime is just, Crap. Is the story only worth telling in your eyes if there are trophy photos to go with it??? We all have our high and low moments when hunting.... we live for the highs and often are just searching for a pat on the shoulder or a nod of understanding on the low days.




Both stories were great and thanks for sharing! I am real sorry that you got hosed on the fairytail ending, but that was one helluva day on the mountain... win, lose, or draw! Next time..... there might always be a next time. ;)

thanks Gino, i wanted to say all that, but they didnt teach us how to spell in prison, all we no how to do is SLING INK, AN SAY I LOVE YA MOM. good luck with your bow hunting. EAST SIDE INKSPOT13

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Obviously we stick up for each other on this forum.

Sometimes we write stuff that expresses a view and it comes across real narrow and sharp. I know I have. Amanda told me one time that it is difficult to fully express yourself typing on a computer in a short message -with out writing a book. Talking is easy. In this punching keys back and forth, it is really easy to be misunderstood.

A little grace goes a long way buddy - and we all need it from time to time.

This same grace can apply to you too. Keep posting.


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  LAR DOG said:
thanks Gino, i wanted to say all that, but they didnt teach us how to spell in prison, all we no how to do is SLING INK, AN SAY I LOVE YA MOM. good luck with your bow hunting. EAST SIDE INKSPOT13



HaHaHa! Thanks! ;) They did not teach me how to express myself very well with words in public schools, either.... but thanks to Amanda's help and 2200+ posts later on this website has learnt me a lot! :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol:


BTW..... where to get ink now that Wes is gone??? :huh:



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Many thanks to those that are trying to keep this thread on track. I sure appreciate anyone who helps make CW.com a positive, productive place where people are free to share their stories without getting attacked. I hear all too often from people who once posted in this forum, but no longer do because someone here attacked them. Words on the computer can sound so much harsher because you don't have all the other body language cues that would normally communicate intent better if you were face to face.


Wow, what a great poem Rembrant! It's always easier to find fault in others, isn't it?


It's a shame he didn't recover those two animals...but as he already stated, it is a day that will haunt him forever. We all have highs and lows and mistakes...should we hide them or let others learn from them?









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  Coues 'n' Sheep said:
  LAR DOG said:
thanks Gino, i wanted to say all that, but they didnt teach us how to spell in prison, all we no how to do is SLING INK, AN SAY I LOVE YA MOM. good luck with your bow hunting. EAST SIDE INKSPOT13



HaHaHa! Thanks! ;) They did not teach me how to express myself very well with words in public schools, either.... but thanks to Amanda's help and 2200+ posts later on this website has learnt me a lot! :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol:


BTW..... where to get ink now that Wes is gone??? :huh:





Wes moved to phoenix, and opened a shop down there, i have his number if ya all need ink. i need to get out of this house and call me up a bobcat, they move good in the rain. TATTOOED WHITE TRASH GATELOCKEDINKY13 HA HA HA

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maybe think about switching broadheads? You shoot expandables now?Either way, cool story.

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Great story.I am sorry you could not find your deer.I have my own lion story.About 8 years ago I put in for muzzleloader mule deer and it had been a very dry year.I was scouting around Wickenburg and it was a very windy day.I was walking in to the wind and came up to a very rocky canyon.I stepped up on a table sized rock to get a look ahead.All of a sudden two lion kittens ran from under the rock.As I was watching them run away I was thinking it was really cool.Then from the side view I see mother cat jump up on a rock 15 yards away.I was thinking this was really cool also.But then realized after awhile that she was giving me the stare down and not leaving.Of course since I was scouting all I had was my binocs ,water and walking/glassing stick .I started jumping up and down , waiving my stick and yelling.The cat still did not leave.Then I picked up a rock and threw it as hard as I could hitting the rock at her feet.As I bent over to pick up another rock,she took a step toward me on the rock.I threw again and hit her scare on the front of the shoulder.I will never forget the sound of the rock hitting her and the hair seperating on her body.In school I broke the record for softball throw and can throw 90mph.She still did not run away and my instinct was to charge her ,which I did yelling and waiving my stick.Finally when I was about 7 or 8 yards from her,she started to walk away.Now here is the rest of the story,remember I said it was a very dry year.The very next week less then 1 mile from my episode at the closest ranch.The wife hear's the horses going crazy and walk's out and see's a lion stalking them.She starts yelling and then goes in to the house ,to either get a gun or call the sherriff (I can not remember),but the lion get's away.A couple day's later a boy scout trip is walking on the river preserve (In the same area) and comes up on a lion that was on a deer kill.It was growling at them and not leaving.They get the heck out of dodge,call the sherriff and he come's out and shoots it.I do not know if it was the same lion or not.It was one of those years that it was so bad that bears were coming in to the east side of the city.I do not know if it was protecting it's young or looking at me like food (maybe both).But I do know that when it comes to a aggressive lion, you have to be aggressive right back and appear to be as big as you can


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Hey that is a awesome story - I wish I would run across a lion.. All my hunting I have never seen a lion. One time I parked my truck went on a 3 hour morning hunt in the snow. when I got back to the car I noticed lion tracks on top of my tire tracks. I should have just stayed in the truck. Anyway, sounds like you had a great time.

As for the negative remarks... Man keep your remarks to yourself. Should someone be scared to post their stories on this in fear of what someone might say. shoot happens in the field.

And there is no such thing as an unethical shot on a lion.

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