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TX woman's tragedy becomes legislative smack-down

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I recall many years ago, when a soon-to-be exhusband of my sister had confessed horrifying and humiliating infidelity that included inflicting a curable STD on my sis.... my father confronted the scumbag who did this to my sister, a giant former baseball star with a diseased heart and mind, forever trapped in sick sexual addictions and alcoholism... pa held the S&W .357mag to that a-hole's head and stated plainly, calmly, and from the heart...


"it doesnt matter to me if they put me in prison for the rest of my life and throw away the key... if you ever come near my daughter again - I'll blow your head off!"


and he never did

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Protection of the people from the government is what it is all about.

Protection from other bad guys is just another benefit.

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